Example of Default Functionalities in Blazor AppBar Component

AppBar / Default Functionalities

This sample demonstrates the default functionalities of the Blazor AppBar.

Simple AppBar
Blazor AppBar

Blazor AppBar Component with Prominent mode

Blazor AppBar

The Blazor AppBar is a navigation component that displays information and actions related to the current view horizontally.

In this demo, the available types of Blazor AppBar are showcased. They are regular, prominent, and dense, and can be set using the Mode property.

Regular - The AppBar is displayed with the default height.

Prominent - Prominent top app bars are longer than regular, and can be used for larger titles, images, or texts.

Dense - The AppBar's layout is denser to accommodate all the AppBar content.

In this demo, SfButton component's styles are inherited from the SfAppBar component using the e-inherit CSS class.

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