Flow Chart using Blazor Diagram Component Example
This Blazor Diagram example visualizes the order processing workflow for credit card purchases using built-in flow shapes in the Syncfusion Blazor Diagram component.
This example demonstrates how to create a basic flowchart using the Diagram component. The Node
class defines the various stages of the process, and the Connector
class represents the flow between stages.
To simplify flowchart creation, several predefined shapes are available in the symbol palette. You can drag and drop these shapes into the drawing area, and the Symbols
property allows you to add more symbols to the palette.
Undo and redo functionalities are enabled in this example, with keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Z for undo, Ctrl+Y for redo). A search feature also allows users to find symbols by ID or search tags.
The toolbar menu provides options to save and load diagrams, draw nodes and connectors, execute z-order commands, zoom in/out, and print. Additionally, alignment commands, flip actions, and pan/pointer tool toggles are available.