Example of Scheduling Mode in Blazor Gantt Chart Component

Gantt Chart / Scheduling Concepts / Scheduling Mode

The Gantt provides support for automatic and manual task scheduling modes. Scheduling mode of a task is used to indicate whether the start and end dates of a task will be automatically validated or not. Using the TaskMode property, the scheduling mode of a task can be changed. The following are the enumeration values that can be set to the property TaskMode.

  • Auto
  • Manual
  • Custom

When the TaskMode property is set to Auto scheduling mode, all the tasks in the project will be rendered as automatically scheduled tasks. Thus the start and end dates of the tasks in the project will be automatically validated.

When the TaskMode property is set to Manual scheduling mode, all the tasks in the project will be rendered with dates as they are in the data source. Thus the dates of the tasks will not get validated automatically by the system.

When the TaskMode property is set to Custom, the scheduling mode for each task will be mapped from the data source field. The property Manual of GanttTaskFields is used to map the scheduling mode field from the data source.

More information about scheduling tasks can be found in this documentation section.

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