Example of Overview in Blazor Rich Text Editor Component

Rich Text Editor / Overview

This sample demonstrates the full features of Rich Text Editor that includes all the tools and functionalities.

This sample used Code mirror plugins helps to highlight the HTML content and when changes happens in code view, the same has been reflected in preview mode.

This sample has Mention control integraed used to display a list of items that users can select or tag from the suggested list.

The quick toolbar provides a convenient way to customize Image, Video, Audio, Table, and Link elements. Simply right-click on the desired element, utilizing the showOnRightClick property, and the quick toolbar will appear, providing an easy way for customization.

The editor’s toolbar contains commands to format the content. The toolbar consists of:

  • Lists - NumberFormat list and BulletFormat list types.
  • Links - A hyperlink can be inserted into the editor for quick access to related information.
  • Image - Inserts and manages images.
  • Table - Inserts and manages Tables.
  • Alignment - Aligns the content with left, center, and right margins.
  • Undo/Redo - Allows undo/redo operations.
  • Indent/ Outdent - Increases/decreases the indent level of the content.
  • Font - Able to do styling on text like font family, size, fore color and background color.
  • Lower / Upper case – Changes the casing of the selected text.
  • SubScript / SuperScript - Makes the selected text as subscript (lower)/superscript(upper).
  • FullScreen - Stretches the editor to the maximum width and height of the browser window.
  • Format – Formats the sentence in different ways such as heading level, quotation, and code snippet
  • Styles – Allows you to apply inline styles to the selected content like bold, italic, and more.
  • Insert Code - Allows you to apply code format to the selected parent nodes. In the above sample, the style for the code format ('pre' tag) is applied by adding the background color.
  • Audio - Inserts and manages audios.
  • Video - Inserts and manages videos.
  • InlineCode - Formats selected text as inline code, highlighting code snippets within the text.

Injecting Module

The above features built as modules have to be included in your application. For example, to use image and link, inject the specific module using RichTextEditor.Inject (Toolbar, Link, Image, Count, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Table, FileManager, Audio, Video, PasteCleanup).

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