Content Render Mode in Blazor Accordion Component
28 Dec 20231 minute to read
Blazor Accordion provides support to render the content of all AccordionItem at initial load which will be maintained in DOM. For that, disable the LoadOnDemand property to load all the contents.
The default value of the property
is true.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<SfAccordion LoadOnDemand="false">
<AccordionItem Header="Margeret Peacock" Content="Margeret Peacock was born on Saturday , 01 December 1990. Now lives at Coventry House Miner Rd., London,UK. Margeret Peacock holds a position of Sales Coordinator in our WA department, (Seattle USA). Joined our company on Saturday , 01 May 2010"></AccordionItem>
<AccordionItem Header="Laura Callahan" Content="Laura Callahan was born on Tuesday , 06 November 1990. Now lives at Edgeham Hollow Winchester Way, London,UK. Laura Callahan holds a position of Sales Coordinator in our WA department, (Seattle USA). Joined our company on Saturday , 01 May 2010"></AccordionItem>
<AccordionItem Header="Albert Dodsworth" Content="Albert Dodsworth was born on Thursday , 19 October 1989. Now lives at 4726 - 11th Ave. N.E., Seattle,USA.Albert Dodsworth holds a position of Sales Representative in our WA department, (Seattle USA). Joined our company on Friday , 01 May 2009"></AccordionItem>