Style and Appearance in Blazor Accordion Component
28 Dec 20233 minutes to read
The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on the user preference.
Customizing accordion
Use the following CSS to customize the Accordion.
.e-accordion {
border: 5px solid rgb(173, 255, 47);
Customizing the accordion items
Use the following CSS to customize the items of Accordion.
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item {
text-align: center;
color: pink;
background-color: #2fa1ff;
Customizing accordion item header
Use the following CSS to customize the header of Accordion control.
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item.e-select > .e-acrdn-header {
background: #2fa1ff !important;
justify-content: center;
Customizing accordion expand and collapse icons
The following CSS can be viewed to customize the expand and collapse icons of the Accordion control.
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item .e-acrdn-header .e-toggle-icon .e-icons {
color: pink;
Customizing the hover state of accordion
Use the following CSS to customize the accordion item when hovering.
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item .e-acrdn-header:hover {
border: 2px solid gray;
Customizing selected item of accordion
Use the following CSS to customize the selected accordion item.
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item.e-select.e-active>.e-acrdn-header,
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item.e-select.e-item-focus>.e-acrdn-header {
background-color: rgb(0, 15, 100) !important;
Use the following CSS to customize the selected accordion item text.
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item.e-select.e-active>.e-acrdn-header .e-acrdn-header-content,
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item.e-select.e-item-focus>.e-acrdn-header .e-acrdn-header-content {
color: #2fa1ff !important;
Customize each accordion item header
You can customize each accordion item header by setting AccordionItem.CssClass property.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<AccordionItem CssClass="margaret-class" Header="Margeret Peacock" Content="Margeret Peacock was born on Saturday , 01 December 1990. Now lives at Coventry House Miner Rd., London,UK. Margeret Peacock holds a position of Sales Coordinator in our WA department, (Seattle USA). Joined our company on Saturday , 01 May 2010"></AccordionItem>
<AccordionItem CssClass="laura-class" Header="Laura Callahan" Content="Laura Callahan was born on Tuesday , 06 November 1990. Now lives at Edgeham Hollow Winchester Way, London,UK. Laura Callahan holds a position of Sales Coordinator in our WA department, (Seattle USA). Joined our company on Saturday , 01 May 2010"></AccordionItem>
<AccordionItem CssClass="albert-class" Header="Albert Dodsworth" Content="Albert Dodsworth was born on Thursday , 19 October 1989. Now lives at 4726 - 11th Ave. N.E., Seattle,USA.Albert Dodsworth holds a position of Sales Representative in our WA department, (Seattle USA). Joined our company on Friday , 01 May 2009"></AccordionItem>
.e-accordion .e-acrdn-item .e-acrdn-header .e-toggle-icon .e-icons {
color: black;
.e-accordion .margaret-class.e-acrdn-item.e-select > .e-acrdn-header {
background: red;
.e-accordion .laura-class.e-acrdn-item.e-select > .e-acrdn-header {
background: yellow;
.e-accordion .albert-class.e-acrdn-item.e-select > .e-acrdn-header {
background: green;