Radar in Blazor Charts Component

11 Aug 20234 minutes to read


Radar series visualizes data in terms of values and angles. It provides option for visual comparison between several quantitative or qualitative aspects of a situation. To render a radar chart, set the series Type to Radar. To render a Line series in Radar Chart, specify the DrawType property to Line. IsClosed property specifies whether to join start and end point of a line series used in Radar Chart to form a closed path. The default value of IsClosed property is true.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

    <ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">

        <ChartSeries DataSource="@SalesReports" XName="X" YName="Y"
                     Type="ChartSeriesType.Radar" DrawType="ChartDrawType.Line">

    public class ChartData
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }

    public List<ChartData> SalesReports = new List<ChartData>
        new ChartData{ X= 2005, Y= 28 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2006, Y= 25 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2007, Y= 26 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2008, Y= 27 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2009, Y= 32 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2010, Y= 35 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2011, Y= 30 }

Blazor Radar Chart with Line Series


Refer to our Blazor Radar Chart feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations. Explore our Blazor Radar Chart Example to know how to render and configure the Radar type chart.

Series customization

Start angle

To customize the start angle of the Radar Chart, use StartAngle property. By default, StartAngle value is 0.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

    <ChartPrimaryXAxis StartAngle="270" ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">

        <ChartSeries DataSource="@SalesReports" XName="X" YName="Y"
                     Type="ChartSeriesType.Radar" DrawType="ChartDrawType.Line">

    public class ChartData
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }

    public List<ChartData> SalesReports = new List<ChartData>
        new ChartData{ X= 2005, Y= 28 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2006, Y= 25 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2007, Y= 26 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2008, Y= 27 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2009, Y= 32 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2010, Y= 35 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2011, Y= 30 }

Blazor Radar Chart with Start Angle

Coefficient in axis

To customize the radius of the Radar Chart, use Coefficient property. By default, Coefficient value is 100.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

    <ChartPrimaryXAxis Coefficient="40" ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">

        <ChartSeries DataSource="@SalesReports" XName="X" YName="Y"
                     Type="ChartSeriesType.Radar" DrawType="ChartDrawType.Line">

    public class ChartData
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }

    public List<ChartData> SalesReports = new List<ChartData>
        new ChartData{ X= 2005, Y= 28 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2006, Y= 25 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2007, Y= 26 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2008, Y= 27 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2009, Y= 32 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2010, Y= 35 },
        new ChartData{ X= 2011, Y= 30 }

Blazor Radar Chart with Radius


Refer to our Blazor Charts feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations and also explore our Blazor Chart Example to know various chart types and how to represent time-dependent data, showing trends at equal intervals.

See also