Accessibility in Blazor Chip Component

10 Jun 20244 minutes to read

The Blazor Chips component followed the accessibility guidelines and standards, including ADA, Section 508, WCAG 2.2 standards, and WCAG roles that are commonly used to evaluate accessibility.

The accessibility compliance for the Blazor Chips component is outlined below.

Accessibility Criteria Compatibility
WCAG 2.2 Support Yes
Section 508 Support Yes
Screen Reader Support Yes
Right-To-Left Support Yes
Color Contrast Yes
Mobile Device Support Yes
Keyboard Navigation Support Yes
Axe-core Accessibility Validation Yes
Yes - All features of the component meet the requirement.
Partial - Some features of the component do not meet the requirement.
No - The component does not meet the requirement.

WAI-ARIA attributes

The Blazor Chips component followed the WAI-ARIA patterns to meet the accessibility. The following ARIA attributes are used in the Chips component:

Attributes Purpose
role=listbox Indicates the ChipList component wrapper element as listbox.
role=option Used to convey a significant and contextual message to the user(ChipList).
role=button Used to convey a significant and contextual message to the user(Single Chip).
aria-label Provides an accessible name for the Chip.
aria-selected Indicates the element is selected.
aria-disabled Indicates element is perceivable but disabled.
aria-multiselectable Indicates multiple items to be selected.

Keyboard interaction

The following shortcut keys are used to access the Blazor Chip component without any interruption.

Keyboard shortcuts Actions
Enter Selects the targeted chip from the Chip/ChipItems.
Delete Deletes the targeted chip from the Chip/ChipItems.

Ensuring accessibility

The Blazor Chips component’s accessibility levels are ensured through an axe-core software tool during automated testing.

The accessibility compliance of the Chip component is shown in the following sample. Open the sample in a new window to evaluate the accessibility of the Chip component with accessibility tools.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<SfChip ID="chip-avatar" EnableDelete="true" CssClass="e-chip-avatar" Selection="SelectionType.Single">
        <ChipItem Text="Andrew" LeadingIconCss='andrew'></ChipItem>
        <ChipItem Text="Janet" LeadingIconCss='janet'></ChipItem>
        <ChipItem Text="Laura" LeadingIconCss='laura'></ChipItem>
        <ChipItem Text="Margaret" LeadingIconCss='margaret'></ChipItem>

    #chip-avatar .andrew {
        background-image: url('./andrew.png')

    #chip-avatar .margaret {
        background-image: url('./margaret.png')

    #chip-avatar .laura {
        background-image: url('./laura.png')

    #chip-avatar .janet {
        background-image: url('./janet.png')

Accessibility in Blazor Chip

See also