Types in Blazor Chip Component
28 Dec 20233 minutes to read
The Chip control has the following types.
- Input Chip
- Choice Chip
- Filter Chip
- Action Chip
Input Chip
Input Chip holds information in compact form. It converts user input into chips.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<ChipItem Text="Anne" LeadingIconUrl="./anne.png"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Janet" LeadingIconUrl="./janet.png"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Laura" LeadingIconUrl="./laura.png"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Margaret" LeadingIconUrl="./margaret.png"></ChipItem>
Choice Chip
Choice Chip allows you to select a single chip from the set of Chip/ChipItems. It can be enabled by setting the Selection
property to Single
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<SfChip Selection="SelectionType.Single">
<ChipItem Text="Small"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Medium"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Large"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Extra Large"></ChipItem>
Filter Chip
Filter Chip allows you to select a multiple chip from the set of Chip/ChipItems. It can be enabled by setting the Selection
property to Multiple
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<SfChip Selection="SelectionType.Multiple">
<ChipItem Text="Chai"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Chang"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Aniseed Syrup"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Ikura"></ChipItem>
Action Chip
The Action Chip triggers the event like click or delete, which helps to do action based on the event.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<ChipEvents OnClick="@OnClick"></ChipEvents>
<ChipItem Text="Sent a text"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Set a remainder"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Read my emails"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Set alarm"></ChipItem>
public string ChipText = "";
private void OnClick(Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons.ChipEventArgs args)
ChipText = args.Text;
Deletable Chip
Deletable Chip allows you to delete a chip from Chip/ChipItems. It can be enabled by setting the EnableDelete
property to true
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<SfChip EnableDelete="true">
<ChipItem Text="Sent a text"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Set a remainder"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Read my emails"></ChipItem>
<ChipItem Text="Set alarm"></ChipItem>