Events in Blazor Circular Gauge Component

17 Sep 20219 minutes to read

Using events in Circular Gauge component

In the following example, the event OnDragMove binds to the circular gauge component, so the event handler UpdatePointerValue will be called when you drag the pointer and update the pointer value in the div element.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.CircularGauge

<div style="width:250px">
    <div style="text-align: center">@pointerValue</div>
    <SfCircularGauge EnablePointerDrag="true" Height="250px" Width="250px">
        <CircularGaugeEvents OnDragMove="@UpdatePointerValue"></CircularGaugeEvents>
                    <CircularGaugePointer Value="@pointerValue"></CircularGaugePointer>

@code {
    private double pointerValue = 10;
    void UpdatePointerValue(IPointerDragEventArgs args)
        pointerValue = args.CurrentValue;

Event Binding in Blazor Circular Gauge

Available events


Description: Triggers after animation is completed.


Description: Triggers before rendering on each annotation. You can customize annotations using these arguments.

Argument name Description
Content Specifies the annotation content
TextStyle To customize the text style
Name Specifies the name of the event
Cancel Specifies the event cancel status


Description: Triggers after the gauge component has been loaded.


Description: Triggers when you finished dragging the pointer needle.

Argument name Description
AxisIndex Specifies the current axis index value
CurrentValue Specifies the current value of label
PointerIndex Index of the current pointer instance
Name Specifies the name of the event


Description: Triggers when you drag the pointer needle.

Argument name Description
AxisIndex Specifies the axis index value
CurrentValue Specifies the current value of label
PointerIndex Index of the current pointer instance
PreviousValue PreviousValue instance
Name Specifies the name of the event


Description: Triggers when you start to drag the pointer needle.

Argument name Description
AxisIndex Specifies the axis index value
CurrentValue Specifies the current value of label
PointerIndex Index of the current pointer instance
Name Specifies the name of the event


Description: Triggers when you click the mouse on the gauge.

Argument name Description
Target Defines current mouse event target id
X Define the current mouse x location
Y Define the current mouse y location
Name Specifies the name of the event


Description: Triggers when the mouse pointer is moved out of the gauge.

Argument name Description
Target Defines current mouse event target id
X Define the current mouse x location
Y Define the current mouse y location
Name Specifies the name of the event


Description: Triggers when the cursor moves over the gauge.

Argument name Description
Target Defines current mouse event target id
X Define the current mouse x location
Y Define the current mouse Y location
Name Specifies the name of the event
Cancel Specifies the event cancel status


Description: Triggers when you release a mouse on the gauge.

Argument name Description
Target Defines current mouse event target id
X Define the current mouse x location
Y Define the current mouse Y location
Name Specifies the name of the event


Description: Triggers before rendering the gauge. Gauge will trigger this event first.


Description: Triggers before the radius is calculated for the gauge. You can customize the gauge radius using these arguments.

Argument name Description
CurrentRadius Specifies the current radius value
MidPoint Specifies the mid point of the gauge location
Name Specifies the name of the event
Cancel Specifies the event cancel status


Description: Triggers when you resize the gauges.

Argument name Description
CurrentSize Define the current size of the gauge
PreviousSize Define the previous size of the gauge
Name Specifies the name of the event


Description: Triggers before rendering the gauge tooltip.

Argument name Description
Content Specifies the tooltip text
Event Specifies the mouse arguments
Location Specifies the tooltip location
appendInBodyTag Specifies the tooltip to append in body tag
Tooltip Tooltip instance, to customize the tooltip settings
Name Specifies the name of the event
Cancel Specifies the event cancel status
Axis Specifies the axis
Range Specifies the range