Methods in Blazor Circular Gauge Component

28 Dec 20236 minutes to read

The following methods are available in the Circular Gauge component.


To change the annotation content dynamically, use the SetAnnotationValueAsync method in the Circular Gauge component. The following are the arguments for this method.

Argument name Description
axisIndex Specifies the index of the axis where the annotation is to be placed.
annotationIndex Specifies the index number of the annotation to be updated.
content Specifies the text for the annotation to be updated.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.CircularGauge

<button style="margin-left:34px" @onclick="ChangeAnnotationValue">Change annotation value</button>
<SfCircularGauge @ref="gauge" Width="250px" Height="250px">
                <CircularGaugePointer Value="50"></CircularGaugePointer>
                <CircularGaugeAnnotation Angle="195" ZIndex="1" Content="Gauge">

@code {
    SfCircularGauge gauge;
    public async Task ChangeAnnotationValue()
        await gauge.SetAnnotationValueAsync(0, 0, "Circular Gauge");


To change the pointer value dynamically, use the SetPointerValueAsync method in the Circular Gauge component. The following are the arguments for this method.

Argument name Description
axis index Specifies the index of the axis in which the pointer value is to be updated.
pointerIndex Specifies the index of the pointer to be updated.
value Specifies the value of the pointer to be updated.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.CircularGauge

<button style="margin-left:34px" @onclick="ChangePoinerValue">Change pointer value</button>
<SfCircularGauge @ref="gauge" Width="250px" Height="250px">
                <CircularGaugePointer Value="50"></CircularGaugePointer>

@code {
    SfCircularGauge gauge;
    public async Task ChangePoinerValue()
        await gauge.SetPointerValueAsync(0, 0, 30);

Blazor Circular Gauge


To change the start and end of a range in axis, use the SetRangeValue method in the Circular Gauge component. The following are the arguments for this method.

Argument name Description
axis index Specifies the index of the axis in which the range value is to be updated.
rangeIndex Specifies the index of the range to be updated.
start Specifies the start value of the range.
end Specifies the end value of the range
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.CircularGauge

<button style="margin-left:34px" @onclick="ChangeRangeValue">Change range value</button>
<SfCircularGauge @ref="gauge" Width="250px" Height="250px">
                <CircularGaugeRange Start="40" End="80">

@code {
    SfCircularGauge gauge;
    public async Task ChangeRangeValue()
        gauge.SetRangeValue(0, 0, 10, 50);
        await gauge.RefreshAsync();


The RefreshAsync method can be used to change the state of the component and render it again.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.CircularGauge

<button style="margin-left:34px" @onclick="RefreshAsync">Refresh</button>
<SfCircularGauge @ref="gauge" Width="250px" Height="250px">
                <CircularGaugeRange Start="40" End="80">

@code {
    SfCircularGauge gauge;
    public async Task RefreshAsync()
        await gauge.RefreshAsync();