Cascading in ComboBox

28 Dec 202311 minutes to read

A cascading ComboBox allows you to select an item from a list of options, and the options in the second ComboBox are filtered based on the selection made in the first ComboBox. This allows you to create a hierarchy of comboBox options, where the options in the child ComboBox are dependent on the selection made in the parent ComboBox.

In the ValueChange event handler of the first ComboBox, you can load the data for the second ComboBox based on the selected value of the first ComboBox. This process can be repeated between the second and third ComboBoxes to create a cascading effect.

In the following example, when a country is selected in the first ComboBox, the list of states for that country is loaded in the second ComboBox. Similarly, when a state is selected in the second ComboBox, the list of cities for that state is loaded in the third ComboBox.

  • @using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns
    @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
    <div class="col-lg-12 control-section">
        <div class="control-wrapper">
            <div class="cascading">
                <label class="example-label">Country</label>
                <SfComboBox TValue="string" TItem="Countries" Placeholder="Select a country" AllowCustom="false" PopupHeight="auto" DataSource="@Country">
                    <ComboBoxEvents TValue="string" TItem="Countries" ValueChange="ChangeCountry"></ComboBoxEvents>
                    <ComboBoxFieldSettings Text="CountryName" Value="CountryId" />
            <div class="cascading">
                <label class="example-label">State</label>
                <SfComboBox TValue="string" TItem="State" Placeholder="Select a state" Enabled="@EnableStateDropDown" @bind-Value="@StateValue" Query="@StateQuery" AllowCustom="false" PopupHeight="auto" DataSource="@States">
                    <ComboBoxEvents TValue="string" TItem="State" ValueChange="ChangeState"></ComboBoxEvents>
                    <ComboBoxFieldSettings Text="StateName" Value="StateId" />
            <div class="cascading">
                <label class="example-label">City</label>
                <SfComboBox TValue="string" TItem="city" Placeholder="Select a city" Enabled="@EnableCitytDropDown" @bind-Value="@CityValue" Query="@CityQuery" PopupHeight="auto" DataSource="@cites">
                    <ComboBoxFieldSettings Text="CityName" Value="CityId" />
        .control-wrapper {
            max-width: 250px;
            margin: 0 auto;
            padding: 10px 0px 0px;
        .example-label {
            font-size: 14px;
            margin-bottom: 6px;
        .control-wrapper .cascading {
            padding: 30px 0px 0px;
    @code {
        public bool EnableStateDropDown = false;
        public bool EnableCitytDropDown = false;
        public string StateValue { get; set; } = null;
        public Query StateQuery { get; set; } = null;
        public string CityValue { get; set; } = null;
        public Query CityQuery { get; set; } = null;
        public void ChangeCountry(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.ChangeEventArgs<string, Countries> args)
            this.EnableStateDropDown = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Value);
            this.EnableCitytDropDown = false;
            this.StateQuery = new Query().Where(new WhereFilter() { Field = "CountryId", Operator = "equal", value = args.Value, IgnoreCase = false, IgnoreAccent = false });
            this.StateValue = null;
            this.CityValue = null;
        public void ChangeState(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.ChangeEventArgs<string, State> args)
            this.EnableCitytDropDown = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Value);
            this.CityQuery = new Query().Where(new WhereFilter() { Field = "StateId", Operator = "equal", value = args.Value, IgnoreCase = false, IgnoreAccent = false });
            this.CityValue = null;
        public class State
            public string StateName { get; set; }
            public string CountryId { get; set; }
            public string StateId { get; set; }
        public class Countries
            public string CountryName { get; set; }
            public string CountryId { get; set; }
        public class city
            public string CityName { get; set; }
            public string StateId { get; set; }
            public string CityId { get; set; }
        public List<Countries> Country = new List<Countries>() {
            new Countries(){ CountryName= "Australia", CountryId= "2" },
            new Countries(){ CountryName= "United States", CountryId= "1" }
        public List<State> States = new List<State>() {
            new State() { StateName= "New York", CountryId= "1", StateId= "101" },
            new State() { StateName= "Queensland", CountryId= "2", StateId= "104" },
            new State() { StateName= "Tasmania ", CountryId= "2", StateId= "105" },
            new State() { StateName= "Victoria", CountryId= "2", StateId= "106" },
            new State() { StateName= "Virginia", CountryId= "1", StateId= "102" },
            new State() { StateName= "Washington", CountryId= "1", StateId= "103" }
        public List<city> cites = new List<city>()
             new city() { CityName = "Aberdeen", StateId= "103", CityId= "207" },
             new city() { CityName = "Albany", StateId= "101", CityId= "201" },
             new city() { CityName = "Brisbane ", StateId="104", CityId= "211" },
             new city() { CityName = "Colville ", StateId= "103", CityId= "208" },
             new city() { CityName ="Emporia", StateId= "102", CityId= "206" },
             new city() { CityName = "Hampton ", StateId= "102", CityId= "205" },
             new city() { CityName ="Hobart", StateId= "105", CityId= "213" },
             new city() { CityName ="Lockport", StateId= "101", CityId= "203" },
             new city() { CityName =  "Pasco", StateId= "103", CityId= "209" },
             new city() { CityName= "Alexandria", StateId= "102", CityId= "204" },
             new city() { CityName= "Beacon ", StateId= "101", CityId= "202" },
             new city() { CityName= "Cairns", StateId= "104", CityId= "212" },
             new city() { CityName= "Devonport", StateId= "105", CityId= "215" },
             new city() { CityName= "Geelong", StateId= "106", CityId= "218" },
             new city() { CityName= "Healesville ", StateId="106", CityId= "217" },
             new city() { CityName= "Launceston ", StateId= "105", CityId= "214" },
             new city() { CityName= "Melbourne", StateId= "106", CityId="216" },
             new city() { CityName= "Townsville", StateId= "104", CityId= "210" }

    Cascading in Blazor ComboBox

    Cascading with other form field

    To populate other form fields (such as textboxes) based on the value selected in the ComboBox, you can use the ValueChange event of the ComboBox. In the ValueChange event handler, you can retrieve the relevant data from your data source and use it to populate the other form fields.

    In the following example, the ComboBox displays a list of countries, and the textboxes display the state ID, country ID, and capital of the selected country. When the user selects a different country in the ComboBox, the ValueChange event handler is triggered, and the data for the selected country is retrieved from the data source

  • @using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns
    @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
    @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs
    <div class="cascading">
        <SfComboBox TValue="int" TItem="State" @bind-Value="@StateValue" Placeholder="Select a state" AllowCustom="false" PopupHeight="auto" DataSource="@States" AllowFiltering="true">
            <ComboBoxEvents TValue="int" TItem="State" ValueChange="ChangeState"></ComboBoxEvents>
            <ComboBoxFieldSettings Text="StateName" Value="StateId"></ComboBoxFieldSettings>
    <div class="cascading">
        Country ID:
        <SfTextBox @bind-Value="@CountryID"></SfTextBox>
    <div class="cascading">
        State ID:
        <SfTextBox @bind-Value="@StateID"></SfTextBox>
    <div class="cascading">
        <SfTextBox @bind-Value="@Capital"></SfTextBox>
        .control-wrapper {
            margin: 0 auto;
            width: 250px;
        .control-section .padding-top {
            padding-top: 35px
    @code {
        public int StateValue { get; set; }
        public string Capital { get; set; }
        public string CountryID { get; set; }
        public string StateID { get; set; }
        public void ChangeState(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.ChangeEventArgs<int, State> args)
            this.Capital = this.States.Where(state => state.StateId == args.Value).First().Capital;
            this.CountryID = this.States.Where(state => state.StateId == args.Value).First().CountryId;
            this.StateID = this.States.Where(state => state.StateId == args.Value).First().StateId.ToString();
        public class State
            public string StateName { get; set; }
            public string CountryId { get; set; }
            public int StateId { get; set; }
            public string Capital { get; set; }
        public List<State> States = new List<State>() {
            new State() { StateName= "New York", CountryId= "1", StateId= 101, Capital="Albany" },
            new State() { StateName= "Queensland", CountryId= "2", StateId= 104, Capital="Brisbane" },
            new State() { StateName= "Tasmania ", CountryId= "2", StateId= 105, Capital="Hobart " },
            new State() { StateName= "Victoria", CountryId= "2", StateId= 106, Capital="Melbourne" },
            new State() { StateName= "Virginia", CountryId= "1", StateId= 102, Capital="Richmond" },
            new State() { StateName= "Washington", CountryId= "1", StateId= 103, Capital="Olympia" }

    Cascading with other form field in Blazor ComboBox


    View Sample in Demo.