Grouping in Blazor ComboBox Component

28 Dec 20232 minutes to read

The ComboBox supports wrapping nested elements into a group based on different categories. The category of each list item can be mapped through the GroupBy field in the data table. The group header is displayed both as inline and fixed headers. The fixed group header content
is updated dynamically on scrolling the popup list with its category value.

To get started quickly with grouping in the Blazor ComboBox component, you can check the video below.

In the following sample, vegetables are grouped by category using the GroupBy field.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data

<SfComboBox TValue="string" TItem="Vegetables" Placeholder="e.g. Select a vegetable" DataSource="@LocalData">
    <ComboBoxFieldSettings  GroupBy="Category" Value="Vegetable"></ComboBoxFieldSettings>


   public IEnumerable<Vegetables> LocalData { get; set; } = new Vegetables().VegetablesList();

    public class Vegetables
        public string Vegetable { get; set; }
        public string Category { get; set; }
        public string ID { get; set; }

        public List<Vegetables>VegetablesList() {
            List<Vegetables>Veg = new List<Vegetables>();
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Cabbage", Category= "Leafy and Salad", ID= "item1" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Chickpea", Category= "Beans", ID= "item2" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Garlic", Category= "Bulb and Stem", ID= "item3" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Green bean", Category= "Beans", ID= "item4" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Horse gram", Category= "Beans", ID= "item5" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Nopal", Category= "Bulb and Stem", ID= "item6" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Onion", Category= "Bulb and Stem", ID= "item7" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Pumpkins", Category= "Leafy and Salad", ID= "item8" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Spinach", Category= "Leafy and Salad", ID= "item9" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Wheat grass", Category= "Leafy and Salad", ID= "item10" });
            Veg.Add(new Vegetables { Vegetable = "Yarrow", Category = "Leafy and Salad", ID = "item11" });
            return Veg;

Grouping in Blazor ComboBox