Animation in Blazor Components

29 Nov 20241 minute to read

This section provides information about the animation process and how to enable/disable it globally for Syncfusion® Blazor Components.

Enable or disable animation globally

You can enable or disable animation for all Syncfusion® Blazor Component’s globally by setting GlobalOptions.Animation property while registering the Syncfusion® Blazor service, with one of below options,

  • Enable - Enables the animation for all components regardless of individual component’s animation settings.
  • Disable - Disables the animation for all components regardless of individual component’s animation settings.
  • Default - Animation is enabled or disabled based on component’s animation settings.

In the below code example animation is disabled.

using Syncfusion.Blazor;
builder.Services.AddSyncfusionBlazor(options => { options.Animation = GlobalAnimationMode.Disable; });


GlobalOptions.Animation property controls script level animations only and it is not applicable for direct CSS level animations (Animation defined from CSSs classes/properties).