Detail Template in Blazor DataGrid Component
14 Aug 202324 minutes to read
Before adding detail template to the datagrid, it is recommended to go through the template section topic to configure the template.
To know about Detail Template in Blazor DataGrid Component, you can check this video.
The detail template provides additional information about a particular row by expanding or collapsing detail content. The DetailTemplate should be wrapped around a component named GridTemplates as follows.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids
<SfGrid DataSource="@Employees">
var employee = (context as EmployeeData);
<table class="detailtable" width="100%">
<col width="35%">
<col width="35%">
<col width="30%">
<td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center;">
<img class="photo" src="@($" scripts/Images/Employees/{employee.EmployeeID}.png")" alt="@employee.EmployeeID" />
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Employee ID: </span> @employee.FirstName
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Hire Date: </span> @employee.HireDate.Value.ToShortDateString()
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Last Name: </span> @employee.LastName
<span style="font-weight: 500;">City: </span> @employee.City
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Title: </span> @employee.Title
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Country: </span> @employee.Country
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.FirstName) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.LastName) HeaderText="Last Name" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Title) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Country) HeaderText="Country" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
.detailtable td {
font-size: 13px;
padding: 4px;
max-width: 0;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
.photo {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
border-radius: 50px;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #e0e0e0, inset 0 0 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
public List<EmployeeData> Employees { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
Employees = Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Select(x => new EmployeeData()
EmployeeID = x,
FirstName = (new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven" })[new Random().Next(5)],
LastName = (new string[] { "Davolio", "Fuller", "Leverling", "Peacock", "Buchanan" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Title = (new string[] { "Sales Representative", "Vice President, Sales", "Sales Manager",
"Inside Sales Coordinator" })[new Random().Next(4)],
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x),
City = (new string[] { "Seattle", "Tacoma", "Redmond", "Kirkland", "London" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Country = (new string[] { "USA", "UK" })[new Random().Next(2)],
public class EmployeeData
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public DateTime? HireDate { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
Rendering custom component
To render the custom component inside the detail row, define the template in the DetailTemplate and render the custom component in any of the detail row element.
In the following sample, a datagrid component is rendered as custom component using detailed row details.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
<SfGrid DataSource="@Employees" Height="315px">
var employee = (context as EmployeeData);
<SfGrid DataSource="@Orders" Query="@(new Query().Where("EmployeeID", "equal", employee.EmployeeID))">
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.OrderID) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.CustomerName) HeaderText="Last Name" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.ShipCountry) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.FirstName) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.LastName) HeaderText="Last Name" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Title) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Country) HeaderText="Country" Width="110"></GridColumn>
List<EmployeeData> Employees = new List<EmployeeData>
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1001, FirstName="Nancy", LastName="Fuller", Title="Sales Representative", Country="USA"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1002, FirstName="Andrew", LastName="Davolio", Title="Vice President", Country="UK"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1003, FirstName="Janet", LastName="Leverling", Title="Sales", Country="UK"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1004, FirstName="Margaret", LastName="Peacock", Title="Sales Manager", Country="UAE"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1005, FirstName="Steven", LastName="Buchanan", Title="Inside Sales Coordinator", Country="USA"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1006, FirstName="Smith", LastName="Steven", Title="HR Manager", Country="UAE"},
List<Order> Orders = new List<Order> {
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1001, OrderID=001, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1001, OrderID=002, CustomerName="Steven", ShipCountry="UR"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1002, OrderID=003, CustomerName="Smith", ShipCountry="UK"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1002, OrderID=004, CustomerName="Smith", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1003, OrderID=005, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="ITA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1003, OrderID=006, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="UK"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1003, OrderID=007, CustomerName="Steven", ShipCountry="GER"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1004, OrderID=008, CustomerName="Andrew", ShipCountry="GER"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1005, OrderID=009, CustomerName="Fuller", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1006, OrderID=010, CustomerName="Leverling", ShipCountry="UAE"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1006, OrderID=011, CustomerName="Margaret", ShipCountry="KEN"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1007, OrderID=012, CustomerName="Buchanan", ShipCountry="GER"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1008, OrderID=013, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1006, OrderID=014, CustomerName="Andrew", ShipCountry="UAE"},
public class EmployeeData
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public class Order
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public int? OrderID { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string ShipCountry { get; set; }
Expand by external button
By default, detail rows render in collapsed state. You can expand a detail row by invoking the Expand
method using the external button.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids
<SfButton Content="Expand" OnClick="BtnClick"></SfButton>
<SfGrid @ref="GridObj" DataSource="@Employees">
var employee = (context as EmployeeData);
<table class="detailtable" width="100%">
<col width="35%">
<col width="35%">
<col width="30%">
<td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center;">
<img class="photo" src="@($" scripts/Images/Employees/{employee.EmployeeID}.png")" alt="@employee.EmployeeID" />
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Employee ID: </span> @employee.FirstName
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Hire Date: </span> @employee.HireDate.Value.ToShortDateString()
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Last Name: </span> @employee.LastName
<span style="font-weight: 500;">City: </span> @employee.City
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Title: </span> @employee.Title
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Country: </span> @employee.Country
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.FirstName) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.LastName) HeaderText="Last Name" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Title) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Country) HeaderText="Country" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
.detailtable td {
font-size: 13px;
padding: 4px;
max-width: 0;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
.photo {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
border-radius: 50px;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #e0e0e0, inset 0 0 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
public SfGrid<EmployeeData> GridObj;
public List<EmployeeData> Employees { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
Employees = Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Select(x => new EmployeeData()
EmployeeID = x,
FirstName = (new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven" })[new Random().Next(5)],
LastName = (new string[] { "Davolio", "Fuller", "Leverling", "Peacock", "Buchanan" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Title = (new string[] { "Sales Representative", "Vice President, Sales", "Sales Manager",
"Inside Sales Coordinator" })[new Random().Next(4)],
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x),
City = (new string[] { "Seattle", "Tacoma", "Redmond", "Kirkland", "London" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Country = (new string[] { "USA", "UK" })[new Random().Next(2)],
public class EmployeeData
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public DateTime? HireDate { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public void BtnClick()
- You can expand all the rows by using
* If you want to expand all the rows at initial DataGrid rendering, then useExpandAll
method in dataBound event of the DataGrid.
Expand or collapse specific detail template row
To expand or collapse a specific row of a detail template in the Syncfusion Grid, you can use the ExpandCollapseDetailRowAsync method. This method allows you to programmatically expand or collapse the detail template for a specific row of data by passing the data object representing that row.
The following code demonstrates how to expand the first row using ExpandCollapseDetailRowAsync
method of the DataGrid component when a button is clicked, using the DataGrid reference.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<SfButton Content="Expand/Collapse" OnClick="Expand"></SfButton>
<SfGrid @ref="Grid" DataSource="@Employees" TValue="EmployeeData" Height="315px">
var employee = (context as EmployeeData);
<SfGrid DataSource="@Orders" Query="@(new Query().Where("EmployeeID", "equal", employee.EmployeeID))">
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.OrderID) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.CustomerName) HeaderText="Last Name" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.ShipCountry) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.FirstName) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.LastName) HeaderText="Last Name" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Title) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Country) HeaderText="Country" Width="110"></GridColumn>
@code {
public SfGrid<EmployeeData> Grid;
List<EmployeeData> Employees = new List<EmployeeData>
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1001, FirstName="Nancy", LastName="Fuller", Title="Sales Representative", Country="USA"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1002, FirstName="Andrew", LastName="Davolio", Title="Vice President", Country="UK"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1003, FirstName="Janet", LastName="Leverling", Title="Sales", Country="UK"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1004, FirstName="Margaret", LastName="Peacock", Title="Sales Manager", Country="UAE"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1005, FirstName="Steven", LastName="Buchanan", Title="Inside Sales Coordinator", Country="USA"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1006, FirstName="Smith", LastName="Steven", Title="HR Manager", Country="UAE"},
List<Order> Orders = new List<Order> {
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1001, OrderID=001, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1001, OrderID=002, CustomerName="Steven", ShipCountry="UR"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1002, OrderID=003, CustomerName="Smith", ShipCountry="UK"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1002, OrderID=004, CustomerName="Smith", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1003, OrderID=005, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="ITA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1003, OrderID=006, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="UK"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1003, OrderID=007, CustomerName="Steven", ShipCountry="GER"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1004, OrderID=008, CustomerName="Andrew", ShipCountry="GER"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1005, OrderID=009, CustomerName="Fuller", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1006, OrderID=010, CustomerName="Leverling", ShipCountry="UAE"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1006, OrderID=011, CustomerName="Margaret", ShipCountry="KEN"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1007, OrderID=012, CustomerName="Buchanan", ShipCountry="GER"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1008, OrderID=013, CustomerName="Nancy", ShipCountry="USA"},
new Order() {EmployeeID = 1006, OrderID=014, CustomerName="Andrew", ShipCountry="UAE"},
public class EmployeeData
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public class Order
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public int? OrderID { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string ShipCountry { get; set; }
public async Task Expand()
await this.Grid.ExpandCollapseDetailRowAsync(Employees[1]);
For both collapsing and expanding, same method is used. If a record is in an expanded state, calling this method will collapse it, and vice versa.
In the above code, the Expand method is defined to expand or collapse the detail row of a specific employee when the “Expand/Collapse” button is clicked.
How to access the child component in the detail template
Using the detail template feature of the DataGrid component, a grid-like structure with hierarchical binding can be achieved by rendering a SfGrid component inside the DetailTemplate. By default, the @ref property of the Grid component will be of SfGrid
In the following sample, you can get the instance of that particular child grid using the unique key value sent as an additional argument in the OnToolbarClick event and fetch the selected record details from each child grid using the GetSelectedRecordsAsync method of each child grid.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
<SfGrid DataSource="@Employees">
var employee = (context as EmployeeData);
<SfGrid @ref=Grid[(int)employee.EmployeeID] DataSource="@Orders" Toolbar="@Toolbaritems" AllowPaging="true" Query="@(new Query().Where("EmployeeID", "equal", employee.EmployeeID))">
<GridEvents TValue="Order" OnToolbarClick="@((e)=>ToolbarClickHandler(e, employee.EmployeeID))"></GridEvents>
<GridPageSettings PageSize="6"></GridPageSettings>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.OrderID) HeaderText="Order ID" TextAlign="TextAlign.Right" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.CustomerID) HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.Freight) HeaderText="Freight" TextAlign="TextAlign.Right" Width="90" Format="C2"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.ShipCity) HeaderText="Ship City" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.EmployeeID) HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.FirstName) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Title) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Country) HeaderText="Country" Width="110"></GridColumn>
Dictionary<int?, SfGrid<Order>> Grid = new Dictionary<int?, SfGrid<Order>>();
public List<EmployeeData> Employees { get; set; }
public static List<Order> Orders { get; set; }
private List<Object> Toolbaritems = new List<Object>() {new ItemModel() { Text = "Click", TooltipText = "Click", PrefixIcon = "e-click", Id = "Click" } };
public async Task ToolbarClickHandler(Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.ClickEventArgs args, int? EmployeeID)
if (args.Item.Id == "Click")
var SelectedRecords = await Grid[(int)EmployeeID].GetSelectedRecordsAsync();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Orders = Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Select(x => new Order()
OrderID = 1000 + x,
EmployeeID = x,
CustomerID = (new string[] { "ALFKI", "ANANTR", "ANTON", "BLONP", "BOLID" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Freight = 2.1 * x,
ShipCity = (new string[] { "ALFKI", "ANANTR", "ANTON", "BLONP", "BOLID" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Employees = new List<EmployeeData>
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 1, FirstName="Nancy", Title="Sales Representative",City="Texas", Country="USA"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 2, FirstName="Andrew", Title="Vice President",City="London", Country="UK"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 3, FirstName="Janet", Title="Sales",City="London", Country="UK"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 4, FirstName="Margaret", Title="Sales Manager",City="London", Country="UK"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 5, FirstName="Steven", Title="Inside Sales Coordinator",City="Vegas", Country="USA"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 6, FirstName="Smith", Title="HR Manager",City="Dubai", Country="UAE"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 7, FirstName="Steven", Title="Inside Sales Coordinator",City="Paris", Country="France"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 8, FirstName="Smith", Title="HR Manager",City="Mumbai", Country="India"},
new EmployeeData() {EmployeeID = 9, FirstName="Smith", Title="HR Manager",City="Chennai", Country="India"},
public class EmployeeData
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public class Order
public int? OrderID { get; set; }
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string CustomerID { get; set; }
public double Freight { get; set; }
public string ShipCity { get; set; }
Customize detail template icon
The Detail template icon is used to expand or collapse the detail content. You can customize this icon through CSS itself. This can be achieved by overriding the two CSS styles listed below.
.e-grid .e-icon-grightarrow::before {
content: "\e7a9";
.e-grid .e-icon-gdownarrow::before {
content: "\e7fe";
This is demonstrated in the following sample:
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids
<SfGrid DataSource="@Employees">
var employee = (context as EmployeeData);
<table class="detailtable" width="100%">
<col width="35%">
<col width="35%">
<col width="30%">
<td rowspan="4" style="text-align: center;">
<img class="photo" src="@($" scripts/Images/Employees/{employee.EmployeeID}.png")" alt="@employee.EmployeeID" />
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Employee ID: </span> @employee.FirstName
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Hire Date: </span> @employee.HireDate.Value.ToShortDateString()
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Last Name: </span> @employee.LastName
<span style="font-weight: 500;">City: </span> @employee.City
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Title: </span> @employee.Title
<span style="font-weight: 500;">Country: </span> @employee.Country
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.FirstName) HeaderText="First Name" Width="110"> </GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.LastName) HeaderText="Last Name" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Title) HeaderText="Title" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(EmployeeData.Country) HeaderText="Country" Width="110"></GridColumn>
<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
.detailtable td {
font-size: 13px;
padding: 4px;
max-width: 0;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
.photo {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
border-radius: 50px;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #e0e0e0, inset 0 0 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
.e-grid .e-icon-grightarrow::before {
content: "\e7a9";
.e-grid .e-icon-gdownarrow::before {
content: "\e7fe";
public List<EmployeeData> Employees { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
Employees = Enumerable.Range(1, 9).Select(x => new EmployeeData()
EmployeeID = x,
FirstName = (new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven" })[new Random().Next(5)],
LastName = (new string[] { "Davolio", "Fuller", "Leverling", "Peacock", "Buchanan" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Title = (new string[] { "Sales Representative", "Vice President, Sales", "Sales Manager",
"Inside Sales Coordinator" })[new Random().Next(4)],
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x),
City = (new string[] { "Seattle", "Tacoma", "Redmond", "Kirkland", "London" })[new Random().Next(5)],
Country = (new string[] { "USA", "UK" })[new Random().Next(2)],
public class EmployeeData
public int? EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public DateTime? HireDate { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }