Bezier Segments in Blazor Diagram Component

18 Dec 202316 minutes to read

How to create bezier segment

Bezier segments are used to create curve segments, and the curves are configurable either with the control points or vectors. To create a bezier segment, the Type of the segment is set as Bezier and need to specify type for the connector. The following code example illustrates how to create a default bezier segment.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram

<SfDiagramComponent Width="1000px" Height="500px" Connectors="@connectors">

     //Defines diagram's connector collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        Connector Connector = new Connector()
            ID = "connector1",
            SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint()
                X = 100,
                Y = 100
            Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6f409f", StrokeWidth = 1 },
            TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 200, Y = 200 },
            Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
            TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings()
                Shape = DecoratorShape.Arrow,
                Style = new ShapeStyle()
                    Fill = "#6f409f",
                    StrokeColor = "#6f409f",
                    StrokeWidth = 1
        //Add the connector into connectors's collection.

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

Connector with Bezier Segment in Blazor Diagram

Point1 and Point2 properties are used to control the points of the bezier connector, and the vector1 and Vector2 properties are used to define the length and angle between the source point and target point, respectively. The following code example illustrates how to use these properties in our control.

Connector Connector1 = new Connector()
            ID = "Connector1",
            Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
            SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint { X = 500, Y = 200 },
            TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint { X = 600, Y = 300 },
            Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>
                new BezierSegment() 
                    Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
                    //Defines the point1 and point2 for the bezier connector.
                    Point1 = new DiagramPoint { X = 500, Y = 100 },
                    Point2 = new DiagramPoint { X = 600, Y = 200 }
         Connector Connector2 = new Connector()
            ID = "Connector2",
            Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
            SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint { X = 200, Y = 100 },
            TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint { X = 300, Y = 200 },
            Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>
                new BezierSegment()
                    Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
                    //Defines the Vector1 and Vector2 for the bezier connector.
                    Vector1 = new Vector(){Distance = 100 ,Angle = 90 },
                    Vector2 = new Vector(){Distance = 45 ,Angle = 45 }

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

Bezier Segment Editing

  • A segment control point of the Bezier connector is used to change the bezier vectors and points of the connector.

Editing Bezier Segment in Blazor Diagram

Avoid overlapping with bezier

By default, when there are no segments defined for a bezier connector, the bezier segments will be created automatically and routed in such a way that avoids overlapping with the source and target nodes.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram

<SfDiagramComponent Width="1000px" Height="500px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors"></SfDiagramComponent>

@code {
    //Define the diagram's connector collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    //Define the diagram's node collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
            new Node()
                    ID = "node1",
                    OffsetX = 300,
                    OffsetY = 100,
                    Width = 100,
                    Height = 100,
                    Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 1, Y = 0.5 },
        nodes.Add(new Node()
                ID = "node2",
                OffsetX = 300,
                OffsetY = 350,
                Width = 100,
                Height = 100,
                Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0.5 },
        Connector connector1 = new Connector()
                ID = "connector1",
                SourceID = "node1",
                TargetID = "node2",
                SourcePortID = "Port1",
                TargetPortID = "Port1",
                Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
                Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default | ConnectorConstraints.DragSegmentThumb

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Also, if you provide segments during the initial rendering, the segment collection will be updated dynamically when you move the connector ends. If you do not want the segments to be updated dynamically when you move the connector end, you need to set BezierConnectorSettings.AllowSegmentsReset as False.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram

<SfDiagramComponent Width="1000px" Height="500px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors"></SfDiagramComponent>

@code {
    //Define the diagram's connector collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    //Define the diagram's node collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
            new Node()
                    ID = "node1",
                    OffsetX = 300,
                    OffsetY = 100,
                    Width = 100,
                    Height = 100,
                    Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 1, Y = 0.5 },
        nodes.Add(new Node()
                ID = "node2",
                OffsetX = 300,
                OffsetY = 350,
                Width = 100,
                Height = 100,
                Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0.5 },
        Connector connector1 = new Connector()
                ID = "connector1",
                SourceID = "node1",
                TargetID = "node2",
                SourcePortID = "Port1",
                TargetPortID = "Port1",
                Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
                Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>(){new BezierSegment(){Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier}},
                //Define whether to reset the current segments collection in response to change in the connector ends.
                BezierConnectorSettings = new BezierConnectorSettings() { AllowSegmentsReset = false },
                Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default | ConnectorConstraints.DragSegmentThumb

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Avoid overlapping with bezier