Avoid overlapping with bezier

By default, when there are no segments defined for a bezier connector, the bezier segments will be created automatically and routed in such a way that avoids overlapping with the source and target nodes.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram

<SfDiagramComponent Width="1000px" Height="500px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors"></SfDiagramComponent>

@code {
    //Define the diagram's connector collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    //Define the diagram's node collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
            new Node()
                    ID = "node1",
                    OffsetX = 300,
                    OffsetY = 100,
                    Width = 100,
                    Height = 100,
                    Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 1, Y = 0.5 },
        nodes.Add(new Node()
                ID = "node2",
                OffsetX = 300,
                OffsetY = 350,
                Width = 100,
                Height = 100,
                Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0.5 },
        Connector connector1 = new Connector()
                ID = "connector1",
                SourceID = "node1",
                TargetID = "node2",
                SourcePortID = "Port1",
                TargetPortID = "Port1",
                Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
                Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default | ConnectorConstraints.DragSegmentThumb

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Also, if you provide segments on initial rendering, the segments collection will be updated dynamically when you move the connector ends. For static segments collection, the BezierConnectorSettings.AllowSegmentsReset property of the Connector class should be set to false.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram

<SfDiagramComponent Width="1000px" Height="500px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors"></SfDiagramComponent>

@code {
    //Define the diagram's connector collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    //Define the diagram's node collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
            new Node()
                    ID = "node1",
                    OffsetX = 300,
                    OffsetY = 100,
                    Width = 100,
                    Height = 100,
                    Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 1, Y = 0.5 },
        nodes.Add(new Node()
                ID = "node2",
                OffsetX = 300,
                OffsetY = 350,
                Width = 100,
                Height = 100,
                Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0.5 },
        Connector connector1 = new Connector()
                ID = "connector1",
                SourceID = "node1",
                TargetID = "node2",
                SourcePortID = "Port1",
                TargetPortID = "Port1",
                Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
                Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>(){new BezierSegment(){Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier}},
                //Define whether to reset the current segments collection in response to change in the connector ends.
                BezierConnectorSettings = new BezierConnectorSettings() { AllowSegmentsReset = false },
                Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default | ConnectorConstraints.DragSegmentThumb

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

Avoid overlapping with bezier

How to interact with the bezier segments efficiently

While interacting with multiple bezier segments, maintain their control points at the same distance and angle by using the BezierConnectorSettings.Smoothness property of the Connector class.

BezierSmoothness value Description Output
SymmetricDistance Both control points of adjacent segments will be at the same distance when one of them is editing. SymmetricDistance
SymmetricAngle Both control points of adjacent segments will be at the same angle when one of them is editing. SymmetricAngle
Both Both control points of adjacent segments will be at the same angle and same distance when one of them is editing. Symmetric
None Segment’s control points interact independently from each other. SymmetricNone

Also, the intermediate point of two adjacent bezier segments can be edited interactively based on the BezierConnectorSettings.SegmentEditOrientation property of the Connector class.

SegmentEditOrientation value Description Output
Bidirectional It allows the intermediate points to be dragged in either vertical or horizontal directions. Bidirectional
Freeform It allows the intermediate points to be dragged in any direction. Freeform

The following code illustrates how to interact with bezier efficiently by using BezierConnectorSettings.Smoothness and BezierConnectorSettings.SegmentEditOrientation property of the Connector class.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram

<SfDiagramComponent Width="1000px" Height="500px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors"></SfDiagramComponent>

@code {
    //Define the diagram's connector collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    //Define the diagram's node collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
            new Node()
                    ID = "node1",
                    OffsetX = 300,
                    OffsetY = 100,
                    Width = 100,
                    Height = 100,
                    Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 1, Y = 0.5 },
        nodes.Add(new Node()
                ID = "node2",
                OffsetX = 300,
                OffsetY = 350,
                Width = 100,
                Height = 100,
                Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>()
                    new PointPort()
                        Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                        Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0.5 },
        Connector connector1 = new Connector()
                ID = "connector1",
                SourceID = "node1",
                TargetID = "node2",
                SourcePortID = "Port1",
                TargetPortID = "Port1",
                Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
                BezierConnectorSettings = new BezierConnectorSettings() 
                    //Define the smoothness for a bezier connector.
                    Smoothness = BezierSmoothness.SymmetricAngle,
                    //Define the orientation of the segment editing controls.
                    SegmentEditOrientation = BezierSegmentEditOrientation.Freeform
                Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default | ConnectorConstraints.DragSegmentThumb

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

How to show or hide the bezier segment’s control points

By using the BezierConnectorSettings.ControlPointsVisibility property of the Connector class, you can enable or disable the visibility of the bezier segment’s control points.

ControlPointsVisibility value Description Output
None It allows you to hide all control points of the bezier connector. None
Source It allows you to show control points of the source segment and hides all other control points in a bezier connector. Source
Target It allows you to show control points of the target segment and hides all other control points in a bezier connector. Target
Intermediate It allows you to show control points of the intermediate segments and hides all other control points in a bezier connector. Intermediate
All It allows you to show all the control points of the bezier connector, including the source, target, and intermediate segments’ control points. All
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
<SfDiagramComponent Width="1000px" Height="500px" Connectors="@connectors"></SfDiagramComponent>
@code {
    //Define the diagram's connector collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        Connector connector1 = new Connector()
            ID = "connector1",
            SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 700, Y = 200 },
            TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 1000, Y = 400 },
            Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>()
                new BezierSegment(){Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier, Point = new DiagramPoint(){X = 750, Y = 250}},
                new BezierSegment(){Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier, Point = new DiagramPoint(){X = 900, Y = 350}}
            Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier,
            BezierConnectorSettings = new BezierConnectorSettings() 
                //Define the visibility of the control points. 
                ControlPointsVisibility = ControlPointsVisibility.Intermediate 

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.