Expand and Collapse support for Node in Blazor Diagram Component
12 Dec 202424 minutes to read
Diagram provides support to describe the state of the node. i.e., whether the node is in an expanded or collapsed state. The IsExpanded property of node is used to expand or collapse its children nodes.The Expand and Collapse support is used to compress the hierarchy view so that only the roots of each elements are visible.
The following properties of the Node are used to represent the state of the node and allows user to Expand and Collapse the desired Node :
The following code example illustrates how to create an icon of various shapes in a simple node connection.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
<SfDiagramComponent Height="600px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors" />
DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes= new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors= new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Node node1 = new Node()
ID = "node1",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 300,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Node node2 = new Node()
ID = "node2",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 500,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Connector connector1 = new Connector()
ID = "connector1",
SourceID = "node1",
TargetID = "node2",
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub
The following code example illustrates how to create an icon of various shapes in a Layout.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.Internal
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel
<SfDiagramComponent @ref="diagram" Width="1500px" Height="800px" NodeCreating="NodeCreating" ConnectorCreating="ConnectorCreating">
<DataSourceSettings DataSource="DataSource" ID="Id" ParentID="Manager"></DataSourceSettings>
<Layout @bind-Type="type" @bind-HorizontalSpacing="@HorizontalSpacing" @bind-FixedNode="@FixedNode" @bind-Orientation="@oreintation" @bind-VerticalSpacing="@VerticalSpacing" @bind-HorizontalAlignment="@horizontalAlignment" @bind-VerticalAlignment="@verticalAlignment" GetLayoutInfo="GetLayoutInfo">
<LayoutMargin @bind-Top="@top" @bind-Bottom="@bottom" @bind-Right="@right" @bind-Left="@left"></LayoutMargin>
<SnapSettings Constraints="SnapConstraints.None"></SnapSettings>
@code {
SfDiagramComponent diagram;
double top = 50;
double bottom = 50;
double right = 50;
double left = 50;
LayoutType type = LayoutType.OrganizationalChart;
LayoutOrientation oreintation = LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Auto;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Auto;
int HorizontalSpacing = 30;
int VerticalSpacing = 30;
Orientation subTreeOrientation = Orientation.Vertical;
SubTreeAlignmentType subTreeAlignment = SubTreeAlignmentType.Left;
private string FixedNode = null;
//private DiagramRect bounds = new Rect(200, 200, 500, 500);
public class HierarchicalDetails
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Role { get; set; }
public string Manager { get; set; }
public string ChartType { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public List<HierarchicalDetails> DataSource = new List<HierarchicalDetails>()
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "parent", Role= "Board", Color= "#71AF17" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "1", Role= "General Manager", Manager= "parent", ChartType= "right", Color= "#71AF17" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "11", Role= "Assistant Manager", Manager= "1", Color= "#71AF17" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "2", Role= "Human Resource Manager", Manager= "1", ChartType= "right", Color= "#1859B7" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "3", Role= "Trainers", Manager= "2", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "4", Role= "Recruiting Team", Manager= "2", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "5", Role= "Finance Asst. Manager", Manager= "2", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "6", Role= "Design Manager", Manager= "1",ChartType= "right", Color= "#1859B7" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "7", Role= "Design Supervisor", Manager= "6", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "8", Role= "Development Supervisor", Manager= "6", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "9", Role= "Drafting Supervisor", Manager= "6", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "10", Role= "Operation Manager", Manager= "1", ChartType= "right", Color= "#1859B7" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "11", Role= "Statistic Department", Manager= "10", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "12", Role= "Logistic Department", Manager= "10", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "16", Role= "Marketing Manager", Manager= "1", ChartType= "right", Color= "#1859B7" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "17", Role= "Oversea sales Manager", Manager= "16", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "18", Role= "Petroleum Manager", Manager= "16", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "20", Role= "Service Dept. Manager", Manager= "16", Color= "#2E95D8" },
new HierarchicalDetails() { Id= "21", Role= "Quality Department", Manager= "16", Color= "#2E95D8" }
private TreeInfo GetLayoutInfo(IDiagramObject obj, TreeInfo options)
if (rows == 0)
if (rows == 0 && options.Rows != null)
options.Rows = null;
Node node = obj as Node;
if ((node.Data as HierarchicalDetails).Role == "General Manager")
if (options.Children.Count > 0)
if (!options.HasSubTree)
options.Orientation = subTreeOrientation;
options.AlignmentType = subTreeAlignment;
if (!options.HasSubTree)
options.AlignmentType = SubTreeAlignmentType.Balanced;
options.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
options.Rows = rows;
return options;
private int rows = 0;
private void NodeCreating(IDiagramObject obj)
Node node = obj as Node;
if (node.Data is System.Text.Json.JsonElement)
node.Data = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<HierarchicalDetails>(node.Data.ToString());
HierarchicalDetails hierarchicalData = node.Data as HierarchicalDetails;
node.Width = 150;
node.Height = 50;
node.Style.Fill = hierarchicalData.Color;
node.Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
Content = hierarchicalData.Role,
Style =new TextStyle(){Color = "white"}
node.ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
node.CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
private void ConnectorCreating(IDiagramObject connector)
(connector as Connector).Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal;
(connector as Connector).TargetDecorator.Shape = DecoratorShape.None;
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub
How to customize the expand and collapse icon
Diagram allows you to customize the Expand and collapse Icons of the Node. To explore Expand and Collapse icon properties, refer to DiagramExpandIcon and DiagramCollapseIcon.
The size of the icon can be changed with the Height and Width properties.
The shape of an ExpandIcon and a CollapseIcon can be changed by using the Shape property of DiagramExpandIcon and DiagramCollapseIcon respectively.
To explore the different types of DiagramExpandIcon shapes, refer to DiagramExpandIcons.
To explore the different types of DiagramCollapseIcon shapes, refer to DiagramCollapseIcons.
If you need to render a custom shape, then you can set shape to Path and define the path using the PathData property.
The following code explains how to Initialize the Icon with Path shape.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
<SfDiagramComponent Height="600px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors" />
//Initialize the diagram's nodes collection
DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
//Initialize the diagram's connectors collection
DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Node node1 = new Node()
ID = "node1",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 300,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Path,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
PathData = "M540.3643,137.9336L546.7973,159.7016L570.3633,159.7296L550.7723,171.9366L558.9053,194.9966L540.3643,179.4996L521.8223,194.9966L529.9553,171.9366L510.3633,159.7296L533.9313,159.7016L540.3643,137.9336z"
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Path,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
PathData = "M 355.31 12.07 C 352.11 5.95 345.35 -1.14 331.41 0.15 C 290.33 3.93 209.61 81.48 190.42 111.69 C 189.66 107.76 187.9 101.49 184.12 98.05 C 189.5 87.75 198.01 69.64 201.57 52.48 C 202.4 52.26 203.12 51.68 203.34 50.44 C 203.72 48.34 204 46.22 204.39 44.13 C 205.01 40.62 199.99 39.43 199.42 42.91 C 199.06 45.06 198.69 47.15 198.35 49.31 C 198.16 50.6 198.69 51.62 199.54 52.14 C 196.08 68.87 187.75 86.63 182.43 96.81 C 181.52 96.29 180.53 95.87 179.41 95.7 C 179.09 95.65 178.8 95.72 178.5 95.71 C 178.19 95.72 177.91 95.65 177.59 95.7 C 176.46 95.87 175.48 96.29 174.56 96.81 C 169.24 86.63 160.92 68.87 157.46 52.14 C 158.3 51.62 158.83 50.6 158.65 49.31 C 158.3 47.15 157.93 45.06 157.58 42.91 C 157.01 39.43 151.99 40.62 152.61 44.13 C 152.99 46.22 153.28 48.34 153.66 50.44 C 153.87 51.68 154.6 52.27 155.42 52.48 C 158.98 69.63 167.49 87.75 172.87 98.05 C 169.09 101.49 167.33 107.76 166.57 111.69 C 147.39 81.48 66.67 3.93 25.59 0.15 C 11.65 -1.14 4.89 5.95 1.69 12.07 C -2.05 19.07 0.84 33.48 6.24 58.46 C 8.66 69.55 11.16 80.96 12.94 92.2 C 13.89 98.36 14.79 104.49 15.64 110.36 C 19.39 136.89 22.52 158.97 32.64 166.04 C 35.41 167.98 38.65 168.78 42.61 168.24 C 52.26 165.95 63.79 164.03 75.99 162.67 C 64.03 171.47 49.08 185.81 44.17 204.84 C 40.38 219.72 43.37 234.86 53.01 250.05 C 64.37 267.81 76.02 279.48 86.91 287.09 C 108.68 302.31 127.52 301.24 135.48 300.78 C 136.3 300.77 136.94 300.71 137.56 300.69 C 143.62 300.61 147.76 291.39 156.6 270.51 C 160.94 260.34 167.39 245.19 172.83 237.47 C 173.97 240.31 177.22 242.31 178.92 242.87 C 178.78 242.94 178.62 243.07 178.49 243.12 C 178.65 243.08 178.83 242.97 179 242.91 C 179.1 242.94 179.25 243.02 179.34 243.04 C 179.26 243.01 179.13 242.93 179.04 242.89 C 180.83 242.24 183.05 240.25 184.16 237.48 C 189.6 245.19 196.05 260.34 200.39 270.52 C 209.23 291.4 213.38 300.61 219.43 300.7 C 220.05 300.72 220.69 300.77 221.51 300.78 C 229.47 301.25 248.31 302.31 270.08 287.1 C 280.97 279.49 292.62 267.81 303.98 250.05 C 313.62 234.86 316.6 219.72 312.82 204.84 C 307.91 185.82 292.96 171.48 281 162.67 C 293.2 164.03 304.73 165.95 314.38 168.24 C 318.34 168.78 321.58 167.98 324.35 166.04 C 334.47 158.97 337.6 136.89 341.35 110.37 C 342.19 104.49 343.1 98.37 344.05 92.2 C 345.83 80.96 348.33 69.55 350.75 58.46 C 356.16 33.48 359.05 19.07 355.31 12.07 z M 183.92 237.56 C 182.35 240.3 180.35 242.13 178.97 242.86 C 177.49 242.19 174.7 240.38 173.08 237.56 C 173.08 237.56 166.19 138.22 166.91 113.58 C 166.91 113.58 169.24 97.92 178.5 97.81 C 187.76 97.92 190.09 113.58 190.09 113.58 C 190.81 138.22 183.92 237.56 183.92 237.56 z"
Node node2 = new Node()
ID = "node2",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 500,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
Connector connector1 = new Connector()
ID = "connector1",
SourceID = "node1",
TargetID = "node2",
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub
How to customize the appearance of expand and collapse icon
The appearance of the Icon can be customized by changing its Fill, BorderColor, BorderWidth, and CornerRadius properties.
The following code explains how to change the appearance of the Icon using Fill, BorderColor, BorderWidth properties.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
<SfDiagramComponent Height="600px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors" />
//Initialize the diagram's nodes collection
DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
//Initialize the diagram's connectors collection
DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Node node1 = new Node()
ID = "node1",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 300,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Path,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
PathData = "M540.3643,137.9336L546.7973,159.7016L570.3633,159.7296L550.7723,171.9366L558.9053,194.9966L540.3643,179.4996L521.8223,194.9966L529.9553,171.9366L510.3633,159.7296L533.9313,159.7016L540.3643,137.9336z",
CornerRadius = 10,
Fill = "Gray",
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Fill = "Gray",
BorderColor = "Blue",
Node node2 = new Node()
ID = "node2",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 500,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Connector connector1 = new Connector()
ID = "connector1",
SourceID = "node1",
TargetID = "node2",
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub
The following code explains how to change the appearance of the Icon using CornerRadius Property.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
<SfDiagramComponent Height="600px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors" />
DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes= new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors= new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Node node1 = new Node()
ID = "node1",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 300,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Path,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
PathData = "M540.3643,137.9336L546.7973,159.7016L570.3633,159.7296L550.7723,171.9366L558.9053,194.9966L540.3643,179.4996L521.8223,194.9966L529.9553,171.9366L510.3633,159.7296L533.9313,159.7016L540.3643,137.9336z"
CornerRadius = 10
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CornerRadius = 10
Node node2 = new Node()
ID = "node2",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 500,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Connector connector1 = new Connector()
ID = "connector1",
SourceID = "node1",
TargetID = "node2",
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub
How to position and align the expand and collapse icon
Diagram allows you to customize the position and alignment of the Icon efficiently. An Icon can be aligned in respect to the node boundaries. The following properties are used to position the Icon.
The following table shows the relationship between the Icon position and Icon OffsetX and OffsetY values (fraction values).
OffsetX,OffsetY values | Output |
(0,0) | ![]() |
(0,0.5) | ![]() |
(0,1) | ![]() |
(0.5,0) | ![]() |
(0.5,0.5) | ![]() |
(0.5,1) | ![]() |
(1,0) | ![]() |
(1,0.5) | ![]() |
(1,1) | ![]() |
How to find node is in expanded or not
IsExpanded is used to defines whether the node is expanded or not. The following example demonstrate node’s isexpanded property. The default value of IsExpanded property is true.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
<SfDiagramComponent Height="600px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors" />
//Initialize the diagram's nodes collection
DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
//Initialize the diagram's connectors collection
DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Node node1 = new Node()
ID = "node1",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 300,
IsExpanded = false,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Fill = "Gray",
BorderColor = "Blue",
BorderWidth = 3,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Fill = "Gray",
BorderColor = "Blue",
BorderWidth = 3,
Node node2 = new Node()
ID = "node2",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 500,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Connector connector1 = new Connector()
ID = "connector1",
SourceID = "node1",
TargetID = "node2",
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub
Template support for expand and collapse icon
The Blazor Diagram component provides template support for customizing the expand and collapse icons of nodes. This feature allows you to create personalized visual representations for these interactive elements, enhancing the user experience and matching your application’s design language.
To implement a custom template for expand and collapse icons, please refer to the following code example.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
<SfDiagramComponent Height="600px" Nodes="@nodes" Connectors="@connectors">
<div style="height: 100%; width: 100%">
<input type="button" value="Collapse" />
<div style="height: 100%; width: 100%">
<input type="button" value="Expand" />
@code {
DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(){};
Node node1 = new Node()
ID = "node1",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 100,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Template,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Template,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Node node2 = new Node()
ID = "node2",
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
OffsetX = 300,
OffsetY = 400,
Style = new ShapeStyle()
Fill = "#6BA5D7",
StrokeColor = "white"
Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>()
new ShapeAnnotation()
ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon()
Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Template,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon()
Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Template,
Height = 20,
Width = 20,
Connector connector1 = new Connector()
ID = "connector1",
SourceID = "node1",
TargetID = "node2",
You can download a complete working sample from GitHub