Serialization in Blazor Diagram Component

12 Jan 20233 minutes to read

Serialization is the process of saving and loading the state persistence of the diagram.

Two-way binding

While saving and loading the diagram, we have to use two-way binding such as @bind for nodes and connectors.

<SfDiagramComponent @ref="@diagram" @bind-Connectors="@connectors" @bind-Nodes="@nodes"></SfDiagramComponent>

Save the diagram as string

While saving the diagram is serialized as a string. The SaveDiagram method of the diagram helps to serialize the diagram as a string. The following code illustrates how to save the diagram.

SfDiagramComponent Diagram;
//returns the serialized string of the Diagram
string data = Diagram.SaveDiagram();

Load the diagram from string

The diagram is loaded from the serialized string data by the LoadDiagram method. The following code illustrates how to load the diagram from serialized string data.

SfDiagramComponent Diagram;
//returns the serialized string of the Diagram
string data = Diagram.SaveDiagram();
//Loads the Diagram from saved data
await Diagram.LoadDiagram(data);

Load the SfDiagram JSON data string using SfDiagramComponent

You can load the SfDiagram serialized JSON data string into SfDiagramComponent using LoadDiagram method. When you load SfDiagram serialized string, then the isClassicData parameter should be set to true. The default value of the isClassicData is false.

The following code illustrates how to load the SfDiagramComponent from SfDiagram serialized string data.

SfDiagram ClassicDiagram;
//returns the serialized string of the SfDiagram
string data = ClassicDiagram.SaveDiagram(); 

SfDiagramComponent Diagram;
//Loads the SfDiagramComponent from saved data of the SfDiagram
await Diagram.LoadDiagram(data, true);

How to save and load the diagram using file stream

The diagram provides support to save and load the diagram using file stream. The below code illustrates how to download the saved diagram as a file.

    SfDiagramComponent diagram;
    private string fileName;
    private string ExtensionType = ".json";

    //Method to save the diagram
    public async Task SaveDiagram()
        fileName = await jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("getDiagramFileName", "");
        await DownloadDiagram(fileName);

    //Method to download the diagram
    public async Task DownloadDiagram(string fileName)
        string data = diagram.SaveDiagram();
        await FileUtil.SaveAs(jsRuntime, data, fileName);

    //Method to load the diagram
    public async Task LoadDiagram()
        ExtensionType = ".json";
        await FileUtil.Click(jsRuntime);
        await diagram.EndUpdate();

    public async static Task SaveAs(IJSRuntime js, string data, string fileName)
        await js.InvokeAsync<object>(
        // Specify IFormatProvider
        Convert.ToString(data), fileName).ConfigureAwait(true);
        // Specify IFormatProvider

    public async static Task Click(IJSRuntime js)
        await js.InvokeAsync<object>(

    // Js methods to auto download the file
    function getDiagramFileName(dialogName) {
    if (dialogName === 'export')
        return document.getElementById('diagramName').innerHTML.toString();
    if (dialogName === 'save')
        return document.getElementById('diagramName').value.toString();
        return document.getElementById('diagramName').innerHTML.toString();

    function saveDiagram(data, filename) {
    if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) {
        let blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'data:text/json;charset=utf-8,' });
        window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, filename + '.json');
    } else {
        let dataStr = 'data:text/json;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(data);
        let a = document.createElement('a');
        a.href = dataStr; = filename + '.json';

    function click() {

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