Swimlane-Palette in Blazor Diagram Component

15 Mar 20246 minutes to read

Diagram provides support to add lanes and phases to the symbol palette.

Add lanes and phases into symbol palette

Swimlane elements such as Lane, and Phase can be used to visualize the Symbol.

The following code sample shows how to add the lanes and phases to palette.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette

<div class="control-section">
    <div style="width:20%;">
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette" style="border: 2px solid #b200ff">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@symbolpalette" Height="300px" Width="200px"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="60" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">

    //Reference the symbolpreview.
    DiagramSize SymbolPreview;
    //Define symbol margin.
    SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin { Left = 15, Right = 15, Top = 15, Bottom = 15 };

    SfSymbolPaletteComponent symbolpalette;

    //Define palattes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();

    // Defines palette's swimlane-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> SwimlaneNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    private void InitPaletteModel()
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();

        SwimlaneNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

        //create a horizontal lane.
        Lane horizontalLane = new Lane()
                ID = "HorizontalSwimlane",
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                Height = 100,
                Width = 150,
                // Style = new TextStyle() { Fill = "orange", StrokeColor = "black" },
                Header = new SwimlaneHeader()
                    Annotation = new ShapeAnnotation() { Content = "Lane Title" },
                    Style = new TextStyle() { Fill = "lightblue", StrokeColor = "black" },
                    Width = 25,
                    Height = 100

        //create a vertical lane.
        Lane verticalLane = new Lane()
                ID = "VerticalSwimlane",
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                Height = 150,
                Width = 100,
                // Style = new TextStyle() { Fill = "orange", StrokeColor = "black" },
                Header = new SwimlaneHeader()
                    Annotation = new ShapeAnnotation() { Content = "Lane Title" },
                    Style = new TextStyle() { Fill = "lightblue", StrokeColor = "black" },
                    Width = 100,
                    Height = 25

        //create a horizontal phase.
        Phase horizontalPhase = new Phase() { ID = "HorizontalPhase", Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Width = 80, Height = 1, Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#5b9bd5", StrokeColor = "#5b9bd5" } };

        //create a vertical phase.
        Phase verticalPhase = new Phase() { ID = "VerticalPhase", Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, Width = 1, Height = 80, Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#5b9bd5", StrokeColor = "#5b9bd5" } };

        SwimlaneNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>()

        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
            new Palette(){Symbols =SwimlaneNodes,Title="Swimlane Shapes",ID="SwimlaneShapes" },

Swimlane SymbolPalette Shapes

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub


  • The drag and drop support for swimlane shapes have been provided.
  • When you drag and drop the lane shape, if the diagram already contains swimlane with the same orientation, the lane will be added and stacked inside a swimlane based on the order. Otherwise, it will be added as a new swimlane.
  • The phase will only drop on the swimlane shape with the same orientation.
    The following image shows how to drag symbol from palette.

Drag Symbol from Palette