Symbol Palette in Blazor Diagram Component

20 Aug 202424 minutes to read

The SymbolPalette displays a collection of Palettes. The palette shows a set of nodes and connectors. It allows to drag and drop the nodes and connectors into the diagram.

How to customize the palette header

Palettes can be annotated with its header texts.

The Title displayed as the header text of palette.

The IsExpanded property of palette allows to expand/collapse its palette items.

The following code illustrates how to change the Title and IsExpanded properties at runtime.

SymbolPalette.Palettes[0].Title = "NewTitle";
SymbolPalette.Palettes[0].IsExpanded = false;

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

How to customize the size of symbols

The size of the individual symbol can be customized. The SymbolWidth and SymbolHeight properties of symbol palette enables you to define the size of the symbols.

Also, you can update the size of the symbols at runtime.

The following code example illustrates how to change the size of a symbol and how to update the size at runtime.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

<div class="control-section">
    <div class="properties">
        <SfButton Content="UpdateSize" OnClick="@UpdateSize" />

    <div style="width:20%">
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette" style="border: 2px solid #b200ff">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@symbolpalette" Height="300px" Width="200px"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="@symbolwidth" SymbolWidth="@symbolheight" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">

@code {
    //Define symbolpreview
    DiagramSize SymbolPreview;
    //Define symbolmargin
    SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin { Left = 15, Right = 15, Top = 15, Bottom = 15 };
    double symbolwidth = 60;
    double symbolheight = 60;
    //Reference the symbolpalette
    SfSymbolPaletteComponent symbolpalette;

    //Define palattes collection
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();

    // Defines palette's flow-shape collection
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    private void InitPaletteModel()
        Node node1 = new Node()
                ID = "Rectangle",
                Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle },
                Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },
        Node node2 = new Node()
                ID = "Ellipse",
                Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Ellipse },
                Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },
        Node node3 = new Node()
                ID = "Diamond",
                Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Diamond },
                Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },

        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
           new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes,Title="Basic Shapes",ID="Basic Shapes" },
    //Method to update symbol width and symbol height
    private void UpdateSize()
        symbolwidth = 80;
        symbolheight = 80;

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

The SymbolMargin property is used to create the space around the elements, outside of any defined borders.

How to customize the symbol drag preview

The symbol preview size of the palette items can be customized using the SymbolDragPreviewSize property. The Width and Height properties of SymbolDragPreviewSize enable you to define the preview size to all the symbol palette items.

The following code example illustrates how to change the preview size of a palette item.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette

<div class="control-section">
    <div style="width: 100%">
        <div class="sb-mobile-palette-bar">
            <div id="palette-icon" style="float: right;" role="button" class="e-ddb-icons1 e-toggle-palette"></div>
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@SymbolPalette" Height="300px" Width="200px" SymbolDragPreviewSize="@symbolDragPreviewSize"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="60" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">
        <div id="diagram-space" class="sb-mobile-diagram">
            <div class="content-wrapper" style="border: 1px solid #D7D7D7">
                <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@diagram" Height="700px" Connectors="@connectors" Nodes="@nodes">

    DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize;
    SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin 
        Left = 15, 
        Right = 15, 
        Top = 15, 
        Bottom = 15
    SfDiagramComponent diagram;
    SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPalette;
    DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    //Define palettes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();
    // Defines palette's flow-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        SymbolPalette.Targets = new DiagramObjectCollection<SfDiagramComponent>() { };

    private void InitPaletteModel()
        symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize();
        symbolDragPreviewSize.Width = 100;
        symbolDragPreviewSize.Height = 100;
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle, "Rectangle");
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
           new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteNodes,Title = "Basic Shapes", ID = "Basic Shapes" },

    private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes basicShape, string id)
        Node node = new Node()
            ID = id,
            Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = basicShape },
            Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub.

SymbolPreview in Blazor Diagram

How to restrict symbol dragging in a palette

The AllowDrag property of SfSymbolPaletteComponent helps to decide whether the symbols can be dragged from the palette or not.

How to get notification for expanding the palette

The Expanding event of the SfSymbolPaletteComponent will be triggered before the item gets collapsed/expanded.

How to expand single or multiple palette

The PaletteExpandMode property of SfSymbolPaletteComponent specifies the option to expand single or multiple palettes at a time.

  • If the ExpandMode is Multiple when clicking on the collapsed icon, the clicked palette will get expanded and at the same time, the other palettes will be maintained in their previous state.
  • If the ExpandMode is Single when clicking on the collapsed icon, the clicked palette will get expanded and the rest of all the palettes will get collapsed.
<SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@palette"

How to Enable/Disable animation in symbol palette

The symbol palette provides support for enabling or disabling animation when expanding and collapsing panels. This functionality is controlled through the EnableAnimation property.By default, the EnableAnimation property is set to true.

When the animation is enabled, then the following effects will be applied by default.

  • Expand Animation: The default animation for expanding a panel is set to SlideDown.
  • Collapse Animation: The default animation for collapsing a panel is set to SlideUp.
  • Animation Duration: The duration for the collapse action animation is set to 400 milliseconds by default. This duration dictates how long the transformation takes when a panel collapses.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette

<div class="control-section">   
    <div style="width: 100%">  
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette" style="border: 2px solid #b200ff">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@SymbolPalette" EnableAnimation=true Height="300px" Width="200px" 
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="120" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">

    SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin 
        Left = 15, 
        Right = 15, 
        Top = 15, 
        Bottom = 15 
    SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPalette;
    //Define palettes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();
    // Defines palette's flow-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
    private void InitPaletteModel()
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle, "Rectangle");
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Ellipse, "Ellipse");
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Star, "Star");
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
           new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteNodes,Title = "Basic Shapes", ID = "Basic Shapes" },
    private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes basicShape, string id)
        Node node = new Node()
            ID = id,
            Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = basicShape },
            Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

How to add symbol descriptions to palette symbols

The diagram provides support to add symbol description below each symbol of a palette. This descriptive representation of each symbol will enhance the details of the symbol visually. The height and width of the symbol description can also be set individually. The method GetSymbolInfo can be used to add the symbol description at runtime.
The following code is an example to set a symbol description for symbols in the palette.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette

<div class="control-section">   
    <div style="width: 100%">  
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette" style="border: 2px solid #b200ff">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@SymbolPalette" Height="300px" Width="200px" GetSymbolInfo="GetSymbolInfo"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="120" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">

    SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin 
        Left = 15, 
        Right = 15, 
        Top = 15, 
        Bottom = 15 
    SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPalette;
    //Define palettes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();
    // Defines palette's flow-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
    private void InitPaletteModel()
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle, "Rectangle");
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
           new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteNodes,Title = "Basic Shapes", ID = "Basic Shapes" },
    private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes basicShape, string id)
        Node node = new Node()
            ID = id,
            Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = basicShape },
            Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },

    private SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(IDiagramObject symbol)
        SymbolInfo SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo();
        string text = null;
        text = (symbol as Node).ID;
        SymbolInfo.Description = new SymbolDescription() { Text = text };
        return SymbolInfo;

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

Symbol with Description in Blazor Diagram

How to customize the appearance of symbol description

Customize the appearance of a symbol description in the symbol palette by adjusting the following properties:

Color: Sets the color of the symbol description text.

Fill: Defines the background color of the symbol description.

FontSize: Specifies the font size of the symbol description text.

FontFamily: Sets the font family of the symbol description text.

Bold: Indicates whether the symbol description text is bold.

Italic: Indicates whether the symbol description text is italicized.

TextDecoration: Specifies the decoration applied to the symbol description text.

TextWrapping: Defines the text wrapping behavior of the symbol description text.

TextOverflow: Specifies the behavior when the text overflows the available space in the symbol description.

Margin: Sets the margin around the symbol description.

By adjusting these properties, you can tailor the appearance of symbol descriptions in the symbol palette to suit your application’s requirements.

The following code is an example to change the style of a symbol description for symbols in the palette.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette

<div class="control-section">
    <div style="width: 30%">
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette" style="border: 2px solid #b200ff; height:200px">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@SymbolPalette" Height="300px" GetSymbolInfo="GetSymbolInfo"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="120">

    SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPalette;
    //Define palettes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();
    // Defines palette's basic-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    private void InitPaletteModel()
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle, "Rectangle");
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Ellipse, "Ellipse");
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes.Hexagon, "Hexagon");
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
           new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteNodes,Title = "Basic Shapes", ID = "Basic Shapes" },

    private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeBasicShapes basicShape, string id)
        Node node = new Node()
                ID = id,
                Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = basicShape },
                Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },

    private SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(IDiagramObject symbol)
        SymbolInfo SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo();
        string text = string.Empty;
        text = (symbol as NodeBase).ID;
        SymbolInfo.Width = 75;
        SymbolInfo.Height = 40;
        SymbolInfo.Description = new SymbolDescription() { 
            Text = text,
            // Customize the style of the symbol description
            Style = new TextStyle() 
                Bold = true,
                Italic = true,
                Color = "red",
                Fill = "transparent",
                FontFamily = "Arial",
                FontSize = 15,
                TextDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline,
                TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
                TextWrapping = TextWrap.WrapWithOverflow
            Margin = new DiagramThickness(){ Top = 10, Bottom = 10 }
        return SymbolInfo;

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

Style of the Symbol Description in Blazor Diagram

How to provide tooltip for symbols in symbol palette

Symbol palette provides supports to show tooltip when mouse hovers over any node or connector. The tooltip can be customized for each symbols in the symbol palette.

Default tooltip for symbols

By default, the symbol’s ID will be displayed as the tooltip for each symbol in the symbol palette. The following image illustrate how the tooltip displays when mouse hovers over the symbols in symbol palette.

Default Tooltip in symbol palette

Custom tooltip for symbols

You can provide custom tooltip for symbols in the symbol palette by assigning custom tooltip to Tooltip property of nodes and connectors. Once custom tooltip is defined then enable the custom tooltip for symbols in the symbol palette by setting the Tooltip constraints for node and connector. This allows the custom tooltips to be displayed when hovering over symbols in the symbol palette.

The following code example illustrates how to provide the custom tooltip for nodes.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups
<div class="control-section">
    <div style="width:20%">
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette" style="border: 2px solid #b200ff">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@SymbolPalette" Height="300px" Width="200px"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="60" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">

    SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPalette;
    SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin
        Left = 15,
        Right = 15,
        Top = 15,
        Bottom = 15
    //Define palettes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();

    // Defines palette's flow-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    private void InitPaletteModel()
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator");
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
           new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" },
    private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id)
        Node node = new Node()
            ID = id,
            Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape },
            Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },
            Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip()
                Content = "This is Terminator",
                Position = Position.BottomRight,
                ShowTipPointer = true
            Constraints = NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

Tooltip in symbol palette

How to provide different tooltip for Symbol palette and diagram elements.

When you define custom tooltip to the symbol then same tooltip will be displayed for both symbol and dropped node in the diagram canvas. To provide different tooltip for symbols in the symbol palette and the dropped node in the diagram canvas, then DragDrop event can be utilized. The DragDrop event is triggered when a symbol is dragged and dropped from the symbol palette to the drawing area. In the Drop event, you can define the new tooltip for the dropped node by assigning new tooltip content to the Tooltip property of the node. The following code snippet will demonstrate how to define two different tooltip for symbol in the symbol palette and dropped node in the diagram canvas.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups
<div class="control-section">    
    <div style="width: 100%">
        <div class="sb-mobile-palette-bar">
            <div id="palette-icon" style="float: right;" role="button" class="e-ddb-icons1 e-toggle-palette"></div>
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@SymbolPalette" Height="700px"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes"  SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="60" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">
        <div id="diagram-space" class="sb-mobile-diagram">
            <div class="content-wrapper" style="border: 1px solid #D7D7D7">
                <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@diagram" Height="700px" Connectors="@connectors" Nodes="@nodes" DragDrop="DragDropEvent">

    SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin 
        Left = 15, 
        Right = 15, 
        Top = 15, 
        Bottom = 15 
    SfDiagramComponent diagram;
    SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPalette;
    //Define nodes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>();
    //Define connectors collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>();
    //Define palettes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();
    // Defines palette's flow-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();
    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        SymbolPalette.Targets = new DiagramObjectCollection<SfDiagramComponent>() { };

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    private void InitPaletteModel()
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator");        
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
            new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteNodes,Title = "Flow Shapes", ID = "Flow Shapes" },

    private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id)
        Node node = new Node()
            ID = id,
            Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape },
            Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill= "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },
            Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip()
                Content = "This is Terminator",
                Position = Position.RightCenter,
                ShowTipPointer = true
            Constraints = NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip        

    private void DragDropEvent(DropEventArgs args)
        if (args.Element is Node)
            (args.Element as Node).Tooltip.Content = "This is diagram Tooltip";

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

Tooltip in symbol palette

Tooltip template for symbols

You can provide custom template as tooltip for symbols in the symbol palette using TooltipTemplate property of SfDiagramComponent. Once tooltip template is defined then enable the custom tooltip for symbols in the symbol palette by setting the Tooltip constraints for node and connector. This allows the tooltips template to be displayed when hovering over symbols in the symbol palette.

The following code example illustrates how to provide the tooltip template for nodes.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette

<div class="control-section">
    <div style="width:20%">
        <div id="palette-space" class="sb-mobile-palette" style="border: 2px solid #b200ff">
            <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@SymbolPalette" Height="300px" Width="200px"
                                      Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolHeight="60" SymbolWidth="60" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin">
                            if (context is Node node)
                                <div><p>Product Name : Diagram</p><p>Element: Node</p><p>Content: Node Tooltip</p><p>ID:@node.ID</p></div>


    SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPalette;

    //Define palettes collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();

    // Defines palette's flow-shape collection.
    DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    private void InitPaletteModel()
        CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator");
        Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>()
           new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" },
    private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id)
        Node node = new Node()
            ID = id,
            Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape },
            Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#6495ED" },
            Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip()
                Position = Position.BottomRight,
                ShowTipPointer = true
            Constraints = NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

Note: When the tooltip for the symbol is not initialized, the ID of the symbol will be rendered by default as the tooltip content. When the tooltip is defined, either content or template must be specified; otherwise, the tooltip will remain empty.

Palette interaction

Palette interaction notifies the element enter, leave, and dragging of the symbols into the diagram.

  • DragStart event is triggered when a symbol is dragged into the diagram from the symbol palette.
  • Dragging event is triggered when an element drags over another diagram element.
  • DragLeave event is triggered when an element drags over another diagram element.

For more information about event, refer to the Events.

Escape key function

The diagram provides support to cancel the node drop from symbol palette when the ESC key is pressed.

Escape key in symbol palette

How to enable the chunk message

In the Blazor Diagram component, it is essential to calculate the bounds of paths, text, images, and SVG data from the server to the JavaScript side using JsInterop calls. When processing large data sets (greater than 32KB for a single incoming hub message) in a single JS call, connection disconnect issues can occur. To address this, we have introduced the EnableChunkMessages property in the Symbol Palette component. This property allows large data to be sent in smaller chunks, thereby preventing connection disconnection issues. Chunk messages facilitate the measurement of paths, images, text, and SVG data without exceeding the maximum size limit for a single incoming hub message (MaximumReceiveMessageSize of 32KB). By default, the EnableChunkMessages property is set to false.

Here is an example demonstrating how to use the EnableChunkMessages property:

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette

<SfSymbolPaletteComponent Width="100%" Height="700px" EnableChunkMessages="true" Palettes="@palettes" SymbolHeight="@symbolHeight" SymbolWidth="@symbolWidth" SymbolDragPreviewSize="@symbolDragPreviewSize" />


    DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize;
    public DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> palettes;
    double symbolHeight = 75;
    double symbolWidth = 75;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize();
        symbolDragPreviewSize.Width = 80;
        symbolDragPreviewSize.Height = 80;

    private void InitializeFloorPlannerPalettes()
        DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> DoorSymbols = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();
        DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> DiningRoomSymbols = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();
        DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> KitchenSymbols = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>();

        DoorSymbols = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>()
            new Node()
                ID = "Staircase",
                Width = 40,
                Height = 30,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M36 1V35M36 1L25 1M36 1H48M36 35H25M36 35H48M25 35L25 1M25 35H13L13 1L25 1M48 1V35M48 1H59M48 35H59M59 1V35M59 1H71M59 35H71M71 1V35M71 1H82M71 35H82M82 1V35M82 1H94M82 35H94M94 1V35M94 1H105M94 35H105M105 1V35M105 1H117V35H105M129 1V35L1 35L1 1L129 1Z"
            new Node()
                ID = "Staircase1",
                Width = 40,
                Height = 30,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M36 1V35M36 1L25 1M36 1H48M36 35H25M36 35H48M25 35L25 1M25 35H13L13 1L25 1M48 1V35M48 1H59M48 35H59M59 1V35M59 1H71M59 35H71M71 1V35M71 1H82M71 35H82M82 1V35M82 1H94M82 35H94M94 1V35M94 1H105M94 35H105M105 1V35M105 1H117V35H105M9 17.5H122M9 17.5C9 18.8807 7.88071 20 6.5 20C5.11929 20 4 18.8807 4 17.5C4 16.1193 5.11929 15 6.5 15C7.88071 15 9 16.1193 9 17.5ZM129 1V35L1 35L1 1L129 1ZM126 17.5L121.5 20.5311V14.4689L126 17.5Z"
            new Node()
                ID = "Staircase2",
                Width = 40,
                Height = 30,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M1 17.4998L133 17.4998M121.177 0.869141L132.874 17.3083M121.582 34.7252L132.756 17.7252M121.5 0.999829V34.9998M109.5 0.999829V34.9998M97.5 0.999829V34.9998M85.5 0.999829V34.9998M73.5 0.999829V34.9998M61.5 0.999829V34.9998M49.5 0.999829V34.9998M37.5 0.999829V34.9998M25.5 0.999829L25.5 34.9998M13.5 0.999829L13.5 34.9998M133 0.999829V34.9998L1 34.9998L1 0.999824L133 0.999829Z"
            new Node()
                ID = "TWall",
                Width = 45,
                Height = 30,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                    Content="T Wall"
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M106 4.00002L206 4.00004M106 4.00002L106 104M106 4.00002L0 4"
            new Node()
                ID = "WindowGarden",
                Width = 60,
                Height = 10,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                    Content="Window Garden"
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
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15V15.5H50.6041L50.6477 15.048L50.15 15ZM25.85 15L25.3523 15.048L25.3959 15.5H25.85V15ZM50.9716 6.47992L50.4739 6.43192L50.9716 6.47992ZM25.0284 6.47992L24.5307 6.52791L25.0284 6.47992ZM32 1V0.5L31.5 0.5V1H32ZM45 1H45.5V0.500001L45 0.500001V1ZM36 6V5.5V6ZM32 2L32.5 2V2H32ZM41 6V6.5V6ZM45 2H45.5H45ZM83.15 15V15.5H83.6041L83.6477 15.048L83.15 15ZM58.85 15L58.3523 15.048L58.3959 15.5H58.85V15ZM83.9716 6.47992L83.4739 6.43192L83.9716 6.47992ZM58.0284 6.47992L58.5261 6.43192L58.0284 6.47992ZM65 1V0.5L64.5 0.5V1H65ZM78 1H78.5V0.500001L78 0.500001V1ZM69 6V5.5V6ZM65 2L65.5 2V2H65ZM74 6V6.5V6ZM78 2H78.5H78ZM59.85 65V64.5H59.3959L59.3523 64.952L59.85 65ZM84.15 65L84.6477 64.952L84.6041 64.5H84.15V65ZM59.0284 73.5201L59.5261 73.5681L59.0284 73.5201ZM84.9716 73.5201L84.4739 73.5681L84.9716 73.5201ZM78 79V79.5H78.5V79H78ZM65 79H64.5V79.5H65V79ZM74 74V73.5V74ZM78 78H77.5H78ZM69 74V74.5V74ZM65 78H64.5H65ZM26.85 65V64.5H26.3959L26.3523 64.952L26.85 65ZM51.15 65L51.6477 64.952L51.6041 64.5H51.15V65ZM26.0284 73.5201L26.5261 73.5681L26.0284 73.5201ZM51.9716 73.5201L51.4739 73.5681L51.9716 73.5201ZM15 28.35H15.5V27.8959L15.048 27.8523L15 28.35ZM15 52.65L15.048 53.1477L15.5 53.1041V52.65H15ZM1 32.5053H0.500002H1ZM6.47992 27.5284L6.43193 28.0261L6.47992 27.5284ZM1 48.4947H1.5H1ZM6.47992 53.4716L6.43192 52.9739L6.47992 53.4716ZM45 79V79.5H45.5V79H45ZM32 79H31.5V79.5H32V79ZM41 74V73.5V74ZM45 78H44.5H45ZM36 74V74.5V74ZM32 78H31.5H32ZM1 47H0.5L0.5 47.5H1V47ZM1 34V33.5H0.500002L0.500002 34H1ZM6 43H6.5H6ZM2 47L2 46.5H2V47ZM6 38H5.5H6ZM2 34V33.5V34ZM95 52.65H94.5V53.1041L94.952 53.1477L95 52.65ZM95 28.35L94.952 27.8523L94.5 27.8959V28.35H95ZM109 48.4947H109.5H109ZM103.52 53.4716L103.472 53.9693L103.52 53.4716ZM109 32.5053H108.5H109ZM103.52 27.5284L103.568 28.0261L103.52 27.5284ZM109 34H109.5V33.5H109V34ZM109 47V47.5H109.5V47H109ZM104 38H103.5H104ZM108 34V34.5V34ZM104 43H104.5H104ZM108 47V47.5V47ZM30.0053 1.5H45.9947V0.5H30.0053V1.5ZM50.4739 6.43192L49.6523 14.952L50.6477 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78.9947 0.5V1.5ZM63.0053 0.5C59.7592 0.5 57.2192 3.29673 57.5307 6.52791L58.5261 6.43192C58.2712 3.78824 60.3494 1.5 63.0053 1.5V0.5ZM74 5.5L69 5.5V6.5L74 6.5V5.5ZM65.5 2V1H64.5V2H65.5ZM65 1.5L78 1.5V0.500001L65 0.5V1.5ZM77.5 1V2H78.5V1H77.5ZM69 5.5C67.067 5.5 65.5 3.933 65.5 2L64.5 2C64.5 4.48528 66.5147 6.5 69 6.5V5.5ZM74 6.5C76.4853 6.5 78.5 4.48528 78.5 2H77.5C77.5 3.933 75.933 5.5 74 5.5V6.5ZM79.9947 78.5H64.0053V79.5H79.9947V78.5ZM59.5261 73.5681L60.3477 65.048L59.3523 64.952L58.5307 73.4721L59.5261 73.5681ZM59.85 65.5H84.15V64.5H59.85V65.5ZM83.6523 65.048L84.4739 73.5681L85.4693 73.4721L84.6477 64.952L83.6523 65.048ZM64.0053 78.5C61.3494 78.5 59.2712 76.2118 59.5261 73.5681L58.5307 73.4721C58.2192 76.7033 60.7592 79.5 64.0053 79.5V78.5ZM79.9947 79.5C83.2408 79.5 85.7809 76.7033 85.4693 73.4721L84.4739 73.5681C84.7288 76.2118 82.6506 78.5 79.9947 78.5V79.5ZM69 74.5H74V73.5H69V74.5ZM77.5 78V79H78.5V78H77.5ZM78 78.5H65V79.5H78V78.5ZM65.5 79V78H64.5V79H65.5ZM74 74.5C75.933 74.5 77.5 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32.5053H1.5ZM0.500001 48.4947C0.500001 51.7408 3.29673 54.2808 6.52791 53.9693L6.43192 52.9739C3.78824 53.2288 1.5 51.1506 1.5 48.4947H0.500001ZM36 74.5H41V73.5H36V74.5ZM44.5 78V79H45.5V78H44.5ZM45 78.5H32V79.5H45V78.5ZM32.5 79V78H31.5V79H32.5ZM41 74.5C42.933 74.5 44.5 76.067 44.5 78H45.5C45.5 75.5147 43.4853 73.5 41 73.5V74.5ZM36 73.5C33.5147 73.5 31.5 75.5147 31.5 78H32.5C32.5 76.067 34.067 74.5 36 74.5V73.5ZM5.5 38L5.5 43H6.5L6.5 38H5.5ZM2 46.5H1V47.5H2V46.5ZM1.5 47L1.5 34H0.500002L0.5 47H1.5ZM1 34.5H2V33.5H1V34.5ZM5.5 43C5.5 44.933 3.933 46.5 2 46.5L2 47.5C4.48528 47.5 6.5 45.4853 6.5 43H5.5ZM6.5 38C6.5 35.5147 4.48528 33.5 2 33.5L2 34.5C3.933 34.5 5.5 36.067 5.5 38H6.5ZM108.5 32.5053V48.4947H109.5V32.5053H108.5ZM103.568 52.9739L95.048 52.1523L94.952 53.1477L103.472 53.9693L103.568 52.9739ZM95.5 52.65V28.35H94.5V52.65H95.5ZM95.048 28.8477L103.568 28.0261L103.472 27.0307L94.952 27.8523L95.048 28.8477ZM108.5 48.4947C108.5 51.1506 106.212 53.2288 103.568 52.9739L103.472 53.9693C106.703 54.2808 109.5 51.7408 109.5 48.4947H108.5ZM109.5 32.5053C109.5 29.2592 106.703 26.7192 103.472 27.0307L103.568 28.0261C106.212 27.7712 108.5 29.8494 108.5 32.5053H109.5ZM104.5 43V38H103.5V43H104.5ZM108 34.5H109V33.5H108V34.5ZM108.5 34V47H109.5V34H108.5ZM109 46.5H108V47.5H109V46.5ZM104.5 38C104.5 36.067 106.067 34.5 108 34.5V33.5C105.515 33.5 103.5 35.5147 103.5 38H104.5ZM103.5 43C103.5 45.4853 105.515 47.5 108 47.5V46.5C106.067 46.5 104.5 44.933 104.5 43H103.5ZM19 15.5H91V14.5H19V15.5ZM94.5 19V61H95.5V19H94.5ZM91 64.5H19V65.5H91V64.5ZM15.5 61V19H14.5V61H15.5ZM19 64.5C17.067 64.5 15.5 62.933 15.5 61H14.5C14.5 63.4853 16.5147 65.5 19 65.5V64.5ZM94.5 61C94.5 62.933 92.933 64.5 91 64.5V65.5C93.4853 65.5 95.5 63.4853 95.5 61H94.5ZM91 15.5C92.933 15.5 94.5 17.067 94.5 19H95.5C95.5 16.5147 93.4853 14.5 91 14.5V15.5ZM19 14.5C16.5147 14.5 14.5 16.5147 14.5 19H15.5C15.5 17.067 17.067 15.5 19 15.5V14.5Z"
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                    Data = "M79 1H3C1.89543 1 1 1.89543 1 3V49C1 50.1046 1.89543 51 3 51H79C80.1046 51 81 50.1046 81 49V3C81 1.89543 80.1046 1 79 1Z"
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                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M67.5828 1.96454C67.5828 1.43184 67.151 1 66.6183 1L1.96405 1.00001C1.43135 1.00001 0.999512 1.43184 0.999512 1.96454L0.999515 34.0355C0.999515 34.5682 1.43135 35 1.96405 35L66.6183 35C67.151 35 67.5828 34.5682 67.5828 34.0355V1.96454Z M33.5828 4.79852C33.5828 4.26582 33.151 3.83398 32.6183 3.83398L4.79737 3.83399C4.26467 3.83399 3.83283 4.26583 3.83283 4.79853L3.83284 31.2028C3.83284 31.7355 4.26468 32.1673 4.79738 32.1673L32.6183 32.1673C33.151 32.1673 33.5828 31.7355 33.5828 31.2028L33.5828 4.79852Z M64.7488 4.79852C64.7488 4.26582 64.317 3.83398 63.7843 3.83398L35.9634 3.83399C35.4307 3.83399 34.9988 4.26583 34.9988 4.79853L34.9989 31.2028C34.9989 31.7355 35.4307 32.1673 35.9634 32.1673L63.7843 32.1673C64.317 32.1673 64.7489 31.7355 64.7489 31.2028L64.7488 4.79852Z M26.4988 18C26.4988 22.6944 22.6933 26.5 17.9988 26.5C13.3044 26.5 9.49885 22.6944 9.49885 18C9.49885 13.3056 13.3044 9.5 17.9988 9.5C22.6933 9.5 26.4988 13.3056 26.4988 18Z M25.4363 18C25.4363 22.1076 22.1065 25.4375 17.9988 25.4375C13.8912 25.4375 10.5613 22.1076 10.5613 18C10.5613 13.8924 13.8912 10.5625 17.9988 10.5625C22.1065 10.5625 25.4363 13.8924 25.4363 18Z M25.0574 24.6826L24.6818 25.0583L22.0015 22.378L22.3772 22.0024L25.0574 24.6826Z M13.9442 13.5703L13.5685 13.946L10.888 11.2655L11.2637 10.8898L13.9442 13.5703Z M24.786 11.0938L25.1616 11.4694L22.4813 14.1497L22.1057 13.774L24.786 11.0938Z M13.7733 21.9844L14.1489 22.36L11.4686 25.0403L11.093 24.6646L13.7733 21.9844Z M21.452 18C21.452 19.9071 19.906 21.4531 17.9988 21.4531C16.0917 21.4531 14.5457 19.9071 14.5457 18C14.5457 16.0929 16.0917 14.5469 17.9988 14.5469C19.906 14.5469 21.452 16.0929 21.452 18Z M57.6658 18C57.6658 22.6944 53.8603 26.5 49.1658 26.5C44.4714 26.5 40.6658 22.6944 40.6658 18C40.6658 13.3056 44.4714 9.5 49.1658 9.5C53.8603 9.5 57.6658 13.3056 57.6658 18Z M56.6033 18C56.6033 22.1076 53.2735 25.4375 49.1658 25.4375C45.0582 25.4375 41.7283 22.1076 41.7283 18C41.7283 13.8924 45.0582 10.5625 49.1658 10.5625C53.2735 10.5625 56.6033 13.8924 56.6033 18Z M56.2235 24.6826L55.8478 25.0583L53.1675 22.378L53.5432 22.0024L56.2235 24.6826Z M45.1121 13.5703L44.7365 13.946L42.056 11.2655L42.4317 10.8898L45.1121 13.5703Z M55.952 11.0938L56.3276 11.4694L53.6474 14.1497L53.2717 13.774L55.952 11.0938Z M44.9403 21.9844L45.3159 22.36L42.6356 25.0403L42.26 24.6646L44.9403 21.9844Z M52.619 18C52.619 19.9071 51.0729 21.4531 49.1658 21.4531C47.2587 21.4531 45.7127 19.9071 45.7127 18C45.7127 16.0929 47.2587 14.5469 49.1658 14.5469C51.0729 14.5469 52.619 16.0929 52.619 18Z"
            new Node()
                ID = "LargeGasRange",
                Width = 50,
                Height = 25,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                    Content="Large Gas Range"
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M101.999 1.96454C101.999 1.43184 101.567 1 101.034 1L1.96356 1.00001C1.43086 1.00001 0.999023 1.43185 0.999023 1.96455L0.999026 34.0355C0.999026 34.5682 1.43087 35 1.96357 35L101.034 35C101.567 35 101.999 34.5682 101.999 34.0355V1.96454Z M33.583 4.79803C33.583 4.26533 33.1512 3.8335 32.6185 3.8335L4.79755 3.8335C4.26485 3.8335 3.83301 4.26534 3.83301 4.79804L3.83301 31.2023C3.83301 31.735 4.26485 32.1668 4.79755 32.1668L32.6185 32.1668C33.1512 32.1668 33.583 31.735 33.583 31.2023L33.583 4.79803Z M98.749 4.96454C98.749 4.43184 98.3172 4 97.7845 4L69.9636 4C69.4309 4 68.999 4.43184 68.999 4.96454L68.999 31.3688C68.999 31.9015 69.4309 32.3333 69.9636 32.3333L97.7845 32.3333C98.3172 32.3333 98.749 31.9015 98.749 31.3688V4.96454Z M60.999 9.61601C60.999 9.2758 60.7232 9 60.383 9L42.615 9C42.2748 9 41.999 9.2758 41.999 9.61601L41.999 26.4792C41.999 26.8195 42.2748 27.0953 42.615 27.0953L60.383 27.0953C60.7232 27.0953 60.999 26.8195 60.999 26.4792V9.61601Z M26.499 18C26.499 22.6944 22.6934 26.5 17.999 26.5C13.3046 26.5 9.49902 22.6944 9.49902 18C9.49902 13.3056 13.3046 9.5 17.999 9.5C22.6934 9.5 26.499 13.3056 26.499 18Z M25.4365 18C25.4365 22.1076 22.1066 25.4375 17.999 25.4375C13.8914 25.4375 10.5615 22.1076 10.5615 18C10.5615 13.8924 13.8914 10.5625 17.999 10.5625C22.1066 10.5625 25.4365 13.8924 25.4365 18Z M25.0576 24.6826L24.682 25.0583L22.0017 22.378L22.3774 22.0024L25.0576 24.6826Z M13.9443 13.5698L13.5687 13.9455L10.8882 11.265L11.2639 10.8894L13.9443 13.5698Z M24.7861 11.0938L25.1618 11.4694L22.4815 14.1497L22.1059 13.774L24.7861 11.0938Z M13.7734 21.9844L14.1491 22.36L11.4688 25.0403L11.0932 24.6646L13.7734 21.9844Z M21.4521 18C21.4521 19.9071 19.9061 21.4531 17.999 21.4531C16.0919 21.4531 14.5459 19.9071 14.5459 18C14.5459 16.0929 16.0919 14.5469 17.999 14.5469C19.9061 14.5469 21.4521 16.0929 21.4521 18Z M91.665 18.1665C91.665 22.8609 87.8595 26.6665 83.165 26.6665C78.4706 26.6665 74.665 22.8609 74.665 18.1665C74.665 13.4721 78.4706 9.6665 83.165 9.6665C87.8595 9.6665 91.665 13.4721 91.665 18.1665Z M90.6025 18.1665C90.6025 22.2741 87.2727 25.604 83.165 25.604C79.0574 25.604 75.7275 22.2741 75.7275 18.1665C75.7275 14.0589 79.0574 10.729 83.165 10.729C87.2727 10.729 90.6025 14.0589 90.6025 18.1665Z M90.2236 24.8491L89.848 25.2248L87.1677 22.5445L87.5434 22.1689L90.2236 24.8491Z M79.1104 13.7363L78.7347 14.112L76.0542 11.4315L76.4299 11.0559L79.1104 13.7363Z M89.9521 11.2603L90.3278 11.6359L87.6475 14.3162L87.2719 13.9405L89.9521 11.2603Z M78.9404 22.1509L79.3161 22.5265L76.6358 25.2068L76.2602 24.8311L78.9404 22.1509Z M86.6182 18.1665C86.6182 20.0736 85.0721 21.6196 83.165 21.6196C81.2579 21.6196 79.7119 20.0736 79.7119 18.1665C79.7119 16.2594 81.2579 14.7134 83.165 14.7134C85.0721 14.7134 86.6182 16.2594 86.6182 18.1665Z M56.4753 18.0477C56.4753 21.0458 54.0449 23.4763 51.0467 23.4763C48.0486 23.4763 45.6182 21.0458 45.6182 18.0477C45.6182 15.0496 48.0486 12.6191 51.0467 12.6191C54.0449 12.6191 56.4753 15.0496 56.4753 18.0477Z M55.7979 18.0479C55.7979 20.6712 53.6712 22.7979 51.0479 22.7979C48.4245 22.7979 46.2979 20.6712 46.2979 18.0479C46.2979 15.4245 48.4245 13.2979 51.0479 13.2979C53.6712 13.2979 55.7979 15.4245 55.7979 18.0479Z M55.5557 22.3154L55.3158 22.5553L53.604 20.8436L53.8439 20.6037L55.5557 22.3154Z M48.458 15.2183L48.2181 15.4582L46.5062 13.7463L46.7461 13.5064L48.458 15.2183Z M55.3818 13.6367L55.6217 13.8766L53.91 15.5884L53.6701 15.3485L55.3818 13.6367Z M48.3486 20.5923L48.5885 20.8322L46.8768 22.544L46.6369 22.3041L48.3486 20.5923Z M53.2525 18.0476C53.2525 19.2656 52.2651 20.253 51.0472 20.253C49.8292 20.253 48.8418 19.2656 48.8418 18.0476C48.8418 16.8297 49.8292 15.8423 51.0472 15.8423C52.2651 15.8423 53.2525 16.8297 53.2525 18.0476Z"
            new Node()
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                Width = 50,
                Height = 25,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                    Content="Large Gas Range1"
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M101.999 1.96454C101.999 1.43184 101.567 1 101.034 1L1.96356 1.00001C1.43086 1.00001 0.999023 1.43185 0.999023 1.96455L0.999026 34.0355C0.999026 34.5682 1.43087 35 1.96357 35L101.034 35C101.567 35 101.999 34.5682 101.999 34.0355V1.96454Z M33.583 4.79803C33.583 4.26533 33.1512 3.8335 32.6185 3.8335L4.79755 3.8335C4.26485 3.8335 3.83301 4.26534 3.83301 4.79804L3.83301 31.2023C3.83301 31.735 4.26485 32.1668 4.79755 32.1668L32.6185 32.1668C33.1512 32.1668 33.583 31.735 33.583 31.2023L33.583 4.79803Z M98.749 4.96454C98.749 4.43184 98.3172 4 97.7845 4L69.9636 4C69.4309 4 68.999 4.43184 68.999 4.96454L68.999 31.3688C68.999 31.9015 69.4309 32.3333 69.9636 32.3333L97.7845 32.3333C98.3172 32.3333 98.749 31.9015 98.749 31.3688V4.96454Z M65.749 4.96454C65.749 4.43184 65.3172 4 64.7845 4L36.9636 4C36.4309 4 35.999 4.43184 35.999 4.96454L35.999 31.3688C35.999 31.9015 36.4309 32.3333 36.9636 32.3333L64.7845 32.3333C65.3172 32.3333 65.749 31.9015 65.749 31.3688V4.96454Z M26.499 18C26.499 22.6944 22.6934 26.5 17.999 26.5C13.3046 26.5 9.49902 22.6944 9.49902 18C9.49902 13.3056 13.3046 9.5 17.999 9.5C22.6934 9.5 26.499 13.3056 26.499 18Z M25.4365 18C25.4365 22.1076 22.1066 25.4375 17.999 25.4375C13.8914 25.4375 10.5615 22.1076 10.5615 18C10.5615 13.8924 13.8914 10.5625 17.999 10.5625C22.1066 10.5625 25.4365 13.8924 25.4365 18Z M25.0576 24.6826L24.682 25.0583L22.0017 22.378L22.3774 22.0024L25.0576 24.6826Z M13.9443 13.5698L13.5687 13.9455L10.8882 11.265L11.2639 10.8894L13.9443 13.5698Z M24.7861 11.0938L25.1618 11.4694L22.4815 14.1497L22.1059 13.774L24.7861 11.0938Z M13.7734 21.9844L14.1491 22.36L11.4688 25.0403L11.0932 24.6646L13.7734 21.9844Z M21.4521 18C21.4521 19.9071 19.9061 21.4531 17.999 21.4531C16.0919 21.4531 14.5459 19.9071 14.5459 18C14.5459 16.0929 16.0919 14.5469 17.999 14.5469C19.9061 14.5469 21.4521 16.0929 21.4521 18Z M91.665 18.1665C91.665 22.8609 87.8595 26.6665 83.165 26.6665C78.4706 26.6665 74.665 22.8609 74.665 18.1665C74.665 13.4721 78.4706 9.6665 83.165 9.6665C87.8595 9.6665 91.665 13.4721 91.665 18.1665Z M90.6025 18.1665C90.6025 22.2741 87.2727 25.604 83.165 25.604C79.0574 25.604 75.7275 22.2741 75.7275 18.1665C75.7275 14.0589 79.0574 10.729 83.165 10.729C87.2727 10.729 90.6025 14.0589 90.6025 18.1665Z M90.2236 24.8491L89.848 25.2248L87.1677 22.5445L87.5434 22.1689L90.2236 24.8491Z M79.1104 13.7363L78.7347 14.112L76.0542 11.4315L76.4299 11.0559L79.1104 13.7363Z M89.9521 11.2603L90.3278 11.6359L87.6475 14.3162L87.2719 13.9405L89.9521 11.2603Z M78.9404 22.1509L79.3161 22.5265L76.6358 25.2068L76.2602 24.8311L78.9404 22.1509Z M86.6182 18.1665C86.6182 20.0736 85.0721 21.6196 83.165 21.6196C81.2579 21.6196 79.7119 20.0736 79.7119 18.1665C79.7119 16.2594 81.2579 14.7134 83.165 14.7134C85.0721 14.7134 86.6182 16.2594 86.6182 18.1665Z M58.665 18.1665C58.665 22.8609 54.8595 26.6665 50.165 26.6665C45.4706 26.6665 41.665 22.8609 41.665 18.1665C41.665 13.4721 45.4706 9.6665 50.165 9.6665C54.8595 9.6665 58.665 13.4721 58.665 18.1665Z M57.6025 18.1665C57.6025 22.2741 54.2727 25.604 50.165 25.604C46.0574 25.604 42.7275 22.2741 42.7275 18.1665C42.7275 14.0589 46.0574 10.729 50.165 10.729C54.2727 10.729 57.6025 14.0589 57.6025 18.1665Z M57.2236 24.8491L56.848 25.2248L54.1677 22.5445L54.5434 22.1689L57.2236 24.8491Z M46.1104 13.7363L45.7347 14.112L43.0542 11.4315L43.4299 11.0559L46.1104 13.7363Z M56.9521 11.2603L57.3278 11.6359L54.6475 14.3162L54.2719 13.9405L56.9521 11.2603Z M45.9404 22.1509L46.3161 22.5265L43.6358 25.2068L43.2602 24.8311L45.9404 22.1509Z M53.6182 18.1665C53.6182 20.0736 52.0721 21.6196 50.165 21.6196C48.2579 21.6196 46.7119 20.0736 46.7119 18.1665C46.7119 16.2594 48.2579 14.7134 50.165 14.7134C52.0721 14.7134 53.6182 16.2594 53.6182 18.1665Z"
            new Node()
                ID = "Refrigerator",
                Width = 25,
                Height = 25,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M1 8.58323H61V58.0356H1V8.58323Z M1 58.8332H61V63.6189C61 65.381 59.5716 66.8094 57.8095 66.8094H4.19048C2.42843 66.8094 1 65.381 1 63.6189V58.8332Z M57.0527 8.17857L4.158 8.17857L4.158 4.19047C4.158 2.42842 5.58642 1 7.34847 1L53.8623 1C55.6243 1 57.0527 2.42843 57.0527 4.19048V8.17857Z M1 8.58323V8.08323H0.5V8.58323H1ZM61 8.58323H61.5V8.08323H61V8.58323ZM61 58.0356V58.5356H61.5V58.0356H61ZM1 58.0356H0.5V58.5356H1V58.0356ZM1 58.8332V58.3332H0.5V58.8332H1ZM61 58.8332H61.5V58.3332H61V58.8332ZM6.52686 66.8094V66.3094H6.02686V66.8094H6.52686ZM16.79 66.8094H17.29V66.3094H16.79V66.8094ZM57.0527 8.17857V8.67857H57.5527V8.17857H57.0527ZM4.158 8.17857H3.658V8.67857H4.158V8.17857ZM53.8623 1V0.500004V1ZM57.0527 4.19048H56.5527H57.0527ZM4.158 4.19047H3.658H4.158ZM7.34847 1V1.5V1ZM1 9.08323H61V8.08323H1V9.08323ZM60.5 8.58323V58.0356H61.5V8.58323H60.5ZM61 57.5356H1V58.5356H61V57.5356ZM1.5 58.0356V8.58323H0.5V58.0356H1.5ZM1 59.3332H61V58.3332H1V59.3332ZM60.5 58.8332V63.6189H61.5V58.8332H60.5ZM57.8095 66.3094H4.19048V67.3094H57.8095V66.3094ZM1.5 63.6189V58.8332H0.5V63.6189H1.5ZM4.19048 66.3094C2.70457 66.3094 1.5 65.1049 1.5 63.6189H0.5C0.5 65.6571 2.15228 67.3094 4.19048 67.3094V66.3094ZM60.5 63.6189C60.5 65.1049 59.2954 66.3094 57.8095 66.3094V67.3094C59.8477 67.3094 61.5 65.6571 61.5 63.6189H60.5ZM6.52686 67.3094H16.79V66.3094H6.52686V67.3094ZM13.5995 69.4999H9.71733V70.4999H13.5995V69.4999ZM9.71733 69.4999C8.23142 69.4999 7.02686 68.2953 7.02686 66.8094H6.02686C6.02686 68.8476 7.67914 70.4999 9.71733 70.4999V69.4999ZM16.29 66.8094C16.29 68.2953 15.0854 69.4999 13.5995 69.4999V70.4999C15.6377 70.4999 17.29 68.8476 17.29 66.8094H16.29ZM57.0527 7.67857L4.158 7.67857V8.67857L57.0527 8.67857V7.67857ZM4.658 8.17857L4.658 4.19047H3.658L3.658 8.17857H4.658ZM7.34847 1.5L53.8623 1.5V0.500004L7.34847 0.5V1.5ZM56.5527 4.19048V8.17857H57.5527V4.19048H56.5527ZM53.8623 1.5C55.3482 1.5 56.5527 2.70457 56.5527 4.19048H57.5527C57.5527 2.15229 55.9005 0.500004 53.8623 0.500004V1.5ZM4.658 4.19047C4.658 2.70456 5.86256 1.5 7.34847 1.5V0.5C5.31028 0.5 3.658 2.15228 3.658 4.19047H4.658Z"
            new Node()
                ID = "WaterCooler",
                Width = 25,
                Height = 25,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                    Content="Water Cooler"
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M49 1H3C1.89543 1 1 1.89543 1 3V49C1 50.1046 1.89543 51 3 51H49C50.1046 51 51 50.1046 51 49V3C51 1.89543 50.1046 1 49 1Z M47 26C47 37.598 37.598 47 26 47C14.402 47 5 37.598 5 26C5 14.402 14.402 5 26 5C37.598 5 47 14.402 47 26Z M30 26C30 28.2091 28.2091 30 26 30C23.7909 30 22 28.2091 22 26C22 23.7909 23.7909 22 26 22C28.2091 22 30 23.7909 30 26Z M49 1H3C1.89543 1 1 1.89543 1 3V49C1 50.1046 1.89543 51 3 51H49C50.1046 51 51 50.1046 51 49V3C51 1.89543 50.1046 1 49 1Z M47 26C47 37.598 37.598 47 26 47C14.402 47 5 37.598 5 26C5 14.402 14.402 5 26 5C37.598 5 47 14.402 47 26Z M30 26C30 28.2091 28.2091 30 26 30C23.7909 30 22 28.2091 22 26C22 23.7909 23.7909 22 26 22C28.2091 22 30 23.7909 30 26Z"
            new Node()
                ID = "DoubleSink",
                Width = 50,
                Height = 22,
                Tooltip= new DiagramTooltip()
                    Content="Double Sink"
                Constraints = (NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.Tooltip),
                Shape = new PathShape()
                    Data = "M1 9C1 4.58172 4.58172 1 9 1H115C119.418 1 123 4.58172 123 9V41C123 45.4183 119.418 49 115 49H9C4.58172 49 1 45.4183 1 41V9Z M7 13C7 10.7909 8.79086 9 11 9H55C57.2091 9 59 10.7909 59 13V37C59 39.2091 57.2091 41 55 41H11C8.79086 41 7 39.2091 7 37V13Z M65 13C65 10.7909 66.7909 9 69 9H113C115.209 9 117 10.7909 117 13V37C117 39.2091 115.209 41 113 41H69C66.7909 41 65 39.2091 65 37V13Z M35 25.5C35 26.8807 33.8807 28 32.5 28C31.1193 28 30 26.8807 30 25.5C30 24.1193 31.1193 23 32.5 23C33.8807 23 35 24.1193 35 25.5Z M93 25.5C93 26.8807 91.8807 28 90.5 28C89.1193 28 88 26.8807 88 25.5C88 24.1193 89.1193 23 90.5 23C91.8807 23 93 24.1193 93 25.5Z M64.3638 10.4863C64.3638 10.4863 65.071 10.4863 65.7781 9.77915C66.4852 9.07204 66.4852 8.36493 66.4852 8.36493L74.4865 15.2232C75.5104 16.1009 75.5705 17.6644 74.6169 18.618C73.6633 19.5716 72.0998 19.5115 71.2221 18.4876L64.3638 10.4863Z M65.4246 4.47532C66.7915 5.84216 66.7915 8.05823 65.4246 9.42507C64.0578 10.7919 61.8417 10.7919 60.4749 9.42507C59.108 8.05823 59.108 5.84216 60.4749 4.47532C61.8417 3.10849 64.0578 3.10849 65.4246 4.47532Z"
        Palette Door = new Palette() { Symbols = DoorSymbols, Title = "Doors and Walls", ID = "Door", IconCss = "e-ddb-icons e-flow" };
        Palette DiningRoom = new Palette() { Symbols = DiningRoomSymbols, Title = "Dining Room", ID = "DiningRoom", IconCss = "e-ddb-icons e-flow" };
        Palette Kitchen = new Palette() { Symbols = KitchenSymbols, Title = "Kitchen", ID = "Kitchen", IconCss = "e-ddb-icons e-flow" };
        palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>();

You can download a complete working sample from GitHub

See Also