Add Icons to Dialog Buttons in Blazor Dialog Component

21 Aug 20233 minutes to read

You can add icons to the dialog buttons using the DialogButton property or FooterTemplate property.

In the following code, dialog footer buttons are customized with icons using the DialogButton property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

<SfButton @onclick="@OpenDialog">Open Dialog</SfButton>

<SfDialog Width="300px" ShowCloseIcon="true" CloseOnEscape="true" @bind-Visible="@IsVisible">
            <div>Delete Multiple Items</div>
            <div>Are you sure you want to permanently delete all of these items?</div>
        <DialogButton Content="Yes" IsPrimary="true" IconCss="e-icons e-ok-icon" OnClick="@CloseDialog" />
        <DialogButton Content="No" IconCss="e-icons e-close-icon" OnClick="@CloseDialog" />

    a, a:hover, .highcontrast #dialog a, .highcontrast #dialog a:hover {
        color: inherit;
        text-decoration: none;

    .e-btn-icon.e-icons.e-ok-icon.e-icon-left:before {
        content: '\e7ff';

    .e-btn-icon.e-icons.e-close-icon.e-icon-left:before {
        content: '\e825';

@code {
    private bool IsVisible { get; set; } = true;

    private void OpenDialog()
        this.IsVisible = true;

    private void CloseDialog()
        this.IsVisible = false;

In the following code, dialog footer buttons are customized with icons using the FooterTemplate template property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

<SfButton @onclick="@OpenDialog">Open Dialog</SfButton>

<SfDialog Width="300px" ShowCloseIcon="true" CloseOnEscape="true" @bind-Visible="@IsVisible">
        <Header> Delete Multiple Items </Header>
        <Content> Are you sure you want to permanently delete all of these items? </Content>
            <SfButton CssClass="e-primary e-flat" @onclick="@CloseDialog">
                <span class='e-btn-icon e-icons e-ok-icon e-icon-left'></span>Yes
            <SfButton CssClass="e-flat" @onclick="@CloseDialog">
                <span class='e-btn-icon e-icons e-close-icon e-icon-left'></span>No

    a, a:hover, .highcontrast #dialog a, .highcontrast #dialog a:hover {
        color: inherit;
        text-decoration: none;

    .e-btn-icon.e-icons.e-ok-icon.e-icon-left:before {
        content: '\e7ff';

    .e-btn-icon.e-icons.e-close-icon.e-icon-left:before {
        content: '\e825';

@code {
    private bool IsVisible { get; set; } = true;

    private void OpenDialog()
        this.IsVisible = true;

    private void CloseDialog()
        this.IsVisible = false;

Adding Icons to Blazor Dialog Button