Comments in Blazor DocumentEditor Component

8 Jul 20242 minutes to read

Blazor Word Processor component (a.k.a Document Editor) component allows you to add comments to documents. You can add, navigate and remove comments using code and from the UI.

Add a new comment

Using InsertCommentAsync method, comments can be inserted to the selected text.

await container.DocumentEditor.Editor.InsertCommentAsync("Test comment");

Comment navigation

Next and previous comments can be navigated using the below code snippet.

//Navigate to next comment
await container.DocumentEditor.Selection.NavigateNextCommentAsync();

//Navigate to previous comment
await container.DocumentEditor.Selection.NavigatePreviousCommentAsync();

Delete comment

You can delete current comment in the document using DeleteCommentsAsync method as shown in the following code snippet.

await container.DocumentEditor.Editor.DeleteCommentAsync();

Delete all comment

You can delete all the comments in the document using DeleteAllCommentsAsync method as shown in the following code snippet.

await container.DocumentEditor.Editor.DeleteAllCommentsAsync();

Protect the document in comments only mode

Document Editor provides support for protecting the document with CommentsOnly protection. In this protection, user allowed to add or edit comments alone in the document.

Document editor provides an option to protect and unprotect document using EnforceProtectionAsync and StopProtectionAsync API.

The following example code illustrates how to enforce and stop protection in Document editor container.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DocumentEditor

<button @onclick="protectDocument">Protection</button>
<SfDocumentEditorContainer @ref="container" EnableToolbar=true></SfDocumentEditorContainer>

@code {
    SfDocumentEditorContainer container;
    protected async void protectDocument(object args)
        //enforce protection
        await container.DocumentEditor.Editor.EnforceProtectionAsync("123", ProtectionType.CommentsOnly);
        //stop the document protection
        await container.DocumentEditor.Editor.StopProtectionAsync("123");

Comment only protection can be enabled in UI by using Restrict Editing pane

Enable comment only protection


In enforce Protection method, first parameter denotes password and second parameter denotes protection type. Possible values of protection type are NoProtection |ReadOnly |FormFieldsOnly |CommentsOnly. In stop protection method, parameter denotes the password.