Find and Replace in Blazor DocumentEditor Component

2 Aug 20231 minute to read

Documents can be long, and you might need to search through the text to find and select specific words, text sequences, sentences, or paragraphs and then replace them with the desired content. This Word processor (DocumentEditor) provides a built-in navigation pane like Microsoft Word on the left of the editor.

You can use the search box at the top of this navigation pane to find all the instances of a specific word or phrase in the document. When you enter a word in the search box and perform search, it highlights all the occurrences of those words in the document and displays them below the search options in the pane. When you click on a search result, the cursor or selection move directly to that location in the document.

You can open the navigation pane using the Ctrl+F shortcut key and close using the ESC key.

Show or hide navigation pane

You can programmatically toggle the visibility of navigation pane using the ShowOptionsPane() method.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DocumentEditor

<button @onclick="OpenOptionsPane">OpenOptionsPane</button>
<SfDocumentEditorContainer @ref="container" EnableToolbar=true></SfDocumentEditorContainer>

@code {
    SfDocumentEditorContainer container;
    protected void OpenOptionsPane(object args)

You can invoke the search or find text functionality programmatically using the FindAll() method. Also, you can customize the search operation with options such as “match case” and “whole words only”. The following code example explains how to perform text search without any search options.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DocumentEditor

<button @onclick="FindAll">Find All</button>
<SfDocumentEditorContainer @ref="container" EnableToolbar=true></SfDocumentEditorContainer>

@code {
    SfDocumentEditorContainer container;
    protected async void FindAll(object args)
        await container.DocumentEditor.Search.FindAllAsync("Some text", FindOption.None);

You can refer to our Blazor Word Processor feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Blazor Word Processor example to know how to render and configure the document editor.