Create Right-to-left Blazor Dropdown Menu Component
16 Mar 20221 minute to read
Dropdown Menu component has RTL support. This can be achieved by setting EnableRtl as true.
The following example illustrates how to enable right-to-left support in Dropdown Menu component.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons
<SfDropDownButton Content="Message" IconCss="e-icons e-message" EnableRtl="true">
<DropDownMenuItem IconCss="e-icons e-edit" Text="Edit"></DropDownMenuItem>
<DropDownMenuItem IconCss="e-icons e-delete" Text="Delete"></DropDownMenuItem>
<DropDownMenuItem IconCss="e-icons e-like" Text="Like"></DropDownMenuItem>
.e-message::before {
content: '\e7cb';
.e-edit::before {
content: '\e78f';
.e-delete::before {
content: '\e773';
.e-like::before {
content: '\e682';