Customize Icon and width in Blazor Dropdown Menu Component

13 Jan 20221 minute to read

Width of the Dropdown Menu can be customized by setting required width to the dropdown element.

The following UI can be achieved by setting IconPosition as Top, width as 85px and size of the font icon as 40px by adding e-custom class.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons

<SfDropDownButton IconCss="e-icons e-search" CssClass="e-custom" IconPosition ="SplitButtonIconPosition.Top" Content="Search">
      <DropDownMenuItem Text="Find"></DropDownMenuItem>
      <DropDownMenuItem Text="Replace"></DropDownMenuItem>
      <DropDownMenuItem Text="Go To"></DropDownMenuItem>


.e-search::before {
  content: '\e724';

.e-dropdown-btn.e-custom {
  width: 85px;

.e-dropdown-btn.e-custom .e-search::before {
  font-size: 40px;

Output be like

Customizing Blazor DropDownMenu Icon