Cascading in Dropdown List
30 Jan 20237 minutes to read
The Cascading DropDownList is the series of DropDownList where the value of one DropDownList depends on another DropDownList value.
In the ValueChange event handler of the first DropDownList, load the data for the second DropDownList based on the selected value of the first DropDownList. The same has to be configured between second and third DropDownLists.
In the following sample, if a country is selected from countries DropDownList, the respective states are loaded in the second DropDownList and in the same way states and cities DropDownList works.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
<div class="col-lg-12 control-section">
<div class="control-wrapper">
<div class="cascading">
<label class="example-label">Country</label>
<SfDropDownList TItem="Countries" TValue="string" Placeholder="Select a country" PopupHeight="auto" DataSource="@Country">
<DropDownListEvents TItem="Countries" TValue="string" ValueChange="ChangeCountry"></DropDownListEvents>
<DropDownListFieldSettings Text="CountryName" Value="CountryId"></DropDownListFieldSettings>
<div class="cascading">
<label class="example-label">State</label>
<SfDropDownList Enabled="@EnableStateDropDown" TValue="string" TItem="State" @bind-Value="@StateValue" Placeholder="Select a state" Query="@StateQuery" PopupHeight="auto" DataSource="@States">
<DropDownListEvents TItem="State" TValue="string" ValueChange="ChangeState"></DropDownListEvents>
<DropDownListFieldSettings Text="StateName" Value="StateId"></DropDownListFieldSettings>
<div class="cascading">
<label class="example-label">City</label>
<SfDropDownList Enabled="@EnableCitytDropDown" TValue="string" TItem="city" @bind-Value="@CityValue" Placeholder="Select a city" Query="@CityQuery" PopupHeight="auto" DataSource="@cites">
<DropDownListFieldSettings Text="CityName" Value="CityId"></DropDownListFieldSettings>
.control-wrapper {
max-width: 250px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 10px 0px 0px;
.example-label {
font-size: 14px;
margin-bottom: 6px;
.control-wrapper .cascading {
padding: 30px 0px 0px;
@code {
public bool EnableStateDropDown = false;
public bool EnableCitytDropDown = false;
public string StateValue { get; set; } = null;
public Query StateQuery { get; set; } = null;
public string CityValue { get; set; } = null;
public Query CityQuery { get; set; } = null;
public void ChangeCountry(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.ChangeEventArgs<string, Countries> args)
this.EnableStateDropDown = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Value);
this.EnableCitytDropDown = false;
this.StateQuery = new Query().Where(new WhereFilter() { Field = "CountryId", Operator = "equal", value = args.Value, IgnoreCase = false, IgnoreAccent = false });
this.StateValue = null;
this.CityValue = null;
public void ChangeState(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.ChangeEventArgs<string, State> args)
this.EnableCitytDropDown = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Value);
this.CityQuery = new Query().Where(new WhereFilter() { Field = "StateId", Operator = "equal", value = args.Value, IgnoreCase = false, IgnoreAccent = false });
this.CityValue = null;
public class State
public string StateName { get; set; }
public string CountryId { get; set; }
public string StateId { get; set; }
public class Countries
public string CountryName { get; set; }
public string CountryId { get; set; }
public class city
public string CityName { get; set; }
public string StateId { get; set; }
public string CityId { get; set; }
public List<Countries> Country = new List<Countries>() {
new Countries(){ CountryName= "Australia", CountryId= "2" },
new Countries(){ CountryName= "United States", CountryId= "1" }
public List<State> States = new List<State>() {
new State() { StateName= "New York", CountryId= "1", StateId= "101" },
new State() { StateName= "Queensland", CountryId= "2", StateId= "104" },
new State() { StateName= "Tasmania ", CountryId= "2", StateId= "105" },
new State() { StateName= "Victoria", CountryId= "2", StateId= "106" },
new State() { StateName= "Virginia", CountryId= "1", StateId= "102" },
new State() { StateName= "Washington", CountryId= "1", StateId= "103" }
public List<city> cites = new List<city>()
new city() { CityName = "Aberdeen", StateId= "103", CityId= "207" },
new city() { CityName = "Albany", StateId= "101", CityId= "201" },
new city() { CityName = "Brisbane ", StateId="104", CityId= "211" },
new city() { CityName = "Colville ", StateId= "103", CityId= "208" },
new city() { CityName ="Emporia", StateId= "102", CityId= "206" },
new city() { CityName = "Hampton ", StateId= "102", CityId= "205" },
new city() { CityName ="Hobart", StateId= "105", CityId= "213" },
new city() { CityName ="Lockport", StateId= "101", CityId= "203" },
new city() { CityName = "Pasco", StateId= "103", CityId= "209" },
new city() { CityName= "Alexandria", StateId= "102", CityId= "204" },
new city() { CityName= "Beacon ", StateId= "101", CityId= "202" },
new city() { CityName= "Cairns", StateId= "104", CityId= "212" },
new city() { CityName= "Devonport", StateId= "105", CityId= "215" },
new city() { CityName= "Geelong", StateId= "106", CityId= "218" },
new city() { CityName= "Healesville ", StateId="106", CityId= "217" },
new city() { CityName= "Launceston ", StateId= "105", CityId= "214" },
new city() { CityName= "Melbourne", StateId= "106", CityId="216" },
new city() { CityName= "Townsville", StateId= "104", CityId= "210" }