Value Binding in Blazor Dropdown Tree Component

27 Dec 202311 minutes to read

Value binding is the process of passing values between a component and its parent.

Preselected value through API

The Blazor Dropdown Tree component provides the capability to select specific nodes during initialization or dynamically through the two-way binding provided by the Valueproperty. This property allows for the selection of particular nodes by passing in an list collection of the corresponding node IDs as TValue. Also you can dynamically assign the node IDs using a button click.

In the following example, the two nodes are preselected using Value property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

<SfButton OnClick="SelectANode">Select a node</SfButton>
<SfDropDownTree TItem="EmployeeData" TValue="string" Placeholder="Select an employee" Width="500px" AllowMultiSelection="true" @bind-Value="@SelectedNode">
    <DropDownTreeField TItem="EmployeeData" DataSource="Data" ID="Id" Text="Name" HasChildren="HasChild" ParentID="PId"></DropDownTreeField>

@code {
    List<string> SelectedNode = new List<string>() { "1", "5" };
    List<EmployeeData> Data = new List<EmployeeData>
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "1", Name = "Steven Buchanan", Job = "General Manager", HasChild = true, Expanded = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "2", PId = "1", Name = "Laura Callahan", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "3", PId = "2", Name = "Andrew Fuller", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "4", PId = "3", Name = "Anne Dodsworth", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "10", PId = "3", Name = "Lilly", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "5", PId = "1", Name = "Nancy Davolio", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "6", PId = "5", Name = "Michael Suyama", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "7", PId = "6", Name = "Robert King", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "11", PId = "6", Name = "Mary", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "9", PId = "1", Name = "Janet Leverling", Job = "HR"}

    void SelectANode()
        SelectedNode = new List<string>() { "9" };

    class EmployeeData
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Job { get; set; }
        public bool HasChild { get; set; }
        public bool Expanded { get; set; }
        public string PId { get; set; }

Get selected value

In this example, the selected value is obtained through two-way binding using the Value property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

<SfDropDownTree TItem="EmployeeData" TValue="string" Placeholder="Select an employee" Width="500px" AllowMultiSelection="true" @bind-Value="@SelectedNode">
    <DropDownTreeField TItem="EmployeeData" DataSource="Data" ID="Id" Text="Name" HasChildren="HasChild" ParentID="PId"></DropDownTreeField>

<table style="margin-left: 600px; margin-top: -50px;">
            <th style="width: 50%">Id</th>
        @for (int i = 0; i < SelectedNode?.Count; i++)
                <td style="width: 30%">

@code {
    List<string> SelectedNode = new List<string>() { "5" };
    List<EmployeeData> Data = new List<EmployeeData>
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "1", Name = "Steven Buchanan", Job = "General Manager", HasChild = true, Expanded = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "2", PId = "1", Name = "Laura Callahan", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "3", PId = "2", Name = "Andrew Fuller", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "4", PId = "3", Name = "Anne Dodsworth", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "10", PId = "3", Name = "Lilly", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "5", PId = "1", Name = "Nancy Davolio", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "6", PId = "5", Name = "Michael Suyama", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "7", PId = "6", Name = "Robert King", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "11", PId = "6", Name = "Mary", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "9", PId = "1", Name = "Janet Leverling", Job = "HR"}

    class EmployeeData
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Job { get; set; }
        public bool HasChild { get; set; }
        public bool Expanded { get; set; }
        public string PId { get; set; }

Get selected value in Blazor DropDownTree

Clear Selection

In this example, you have the option to eliminate the selection by utilizing the ClearAsync method.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

<SfButton OnClick="ClearNode">Clear node</SfButton>
<SfDropDownTree @ref="sfDropDownTree" TItem="EmployeeData" TValue="string" Placeholder="Select an employee" Width="500px">
    <DropDownTreeField TItem="EmployeeData" DataSource="Data" ID="Id" Text="Name" HasChildren="HasChild" ParentID="PId"></DropDownTreeField>

@code {
    SfDropDownTree<string, EmployeeData>? sfDropDownTree;
    List<EmployeeData> Data = new List<EmployeeData>
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "1", Name = "Steven Buchanan", Job = "General Manager", HasChild = true, Expanded = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "2", PId = "1", Name = "Laura Callahan", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "3", PId = "2", Name = "Andrew Fuller", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "4", PId = "3", Name = "Anne Dodsworth", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "10", PId = "3", Name = "Lilly", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "5", PId = "1", Name = "Nancy Davolio", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "6", PId = "5", Name = "Michael Suyama", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "7", PId = "6", Name = "Robert King", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "11", PId = "6", Name = "Mary", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "9", PId = "1", Name = "Janet Leverling", Job = "HR"}

    class EmployeeData
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Job { get; set; }
        public bool HasChild { get; set; }
        public bool Expanded { get; set; }
        public string PId { get; set; }
    async Task ClearNode()
        await sfDropDownTree.ClearAsync();

Two-way binding

The value binding can be achieved by using the @bind-Value property. The type of @bind-Value is List<TValue> and TValue supports primitive types such as string and int. If the component value has been changed, it will affect all places where you bind the variable for the @bind-Value property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<SfDropDownTree TItem="EmployeeData" TValue="string" Placeholder="Select an employee" Width="500px" @bind-Value="@value">
    <DropDownTreeField TItem="EmployeeData" DataSource="Data" ID="Id" Text="Name" HasChildren="HasChild" ParentID="PId"></DropDownTreeField>
@code {
    List<string> value = new List<string>(){"1"};
    List<EmployeeData> Data = new List<EmployeeData>
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "1", Name = "Steven Buchanan", Job = "General Manager", HasChild = true, Expanded = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "2", PId = "1", Name = "Laura Callahan", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "3", PId = "2", Name = "Andrew Fuller", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "4", PId = "3", Name = "Anne Dodsworth", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "10", PId = "3", Name = "Lilly", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "5", PId = "1", Name = "Nancy Davolio", Job = "Product Manager", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "6", PId = "5", Name = "Michael Suyama", Job = "Team Lead", HasChild = true },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "7", PId = "6", Name = "Robert King", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "11", PId = "6", Name = "Mary", Job = "Developer" },
        new EmployeeData() { Id = "9", PId = "1", Name = "Janet Leverling", Job = "HR"}
    class EmployeeData
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Job { get; set; }
        public bool HasChild { get; set; }
        public bool Expanded { get; set; }
        public string PId { get; set; }