ASP.NET Core Azure cloud file system provider

29 Nov 20243 minutes to read

The Azure file system provider allows the users to access and manage the blobs in the Azure blob storage. To get started, clone the EJ2.ASP.NET Core Azure File Provider using the following command.

git clone  ej2-azure-aspcore-file-provider

After cloning, just open the project in Visual Studio and restore the NuGet packages. Now, you need to register the Azure storage by passing details like name, password, and blob name to the Register Azure method in the FileManager controller.

this.operation.RegisterAzure("<--accountName-->", "<--accountKey-->", "<--blobName-->");

Then, set the blob container and the root blob directory by passing the corresponding URLs as parameters in the setBlobContainer method as shown below.

public AzureProviderController(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
        this.operation = new AzureFileProvider();
        blobPath = "<--blobPath-->";
        filePath = "<--filePath-->";
        this.operation.SetBlobContainer(blobPath, filePath);            


Also, blobPath is a container path in Azure Blob Storage, and filePath is the file location path. For example, create a files container in the mentioned Azure blob storage. Inside that container, create a new folder, Files which includes all files and folders that need to be viewed in FileManager. Check out the below path for an example.

public AzureProviderController(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
        this.operation = new AzureFileProvider();
        blobPath = "";
        filePath = "";

After setting the blob container references, just build and run the project. Now, the project will be hosted in http://localhost:{port}:{port} and just mapping the ajaxSettings property of the FileManager component to the appropriate controller methods allows to manage the Azure blob storage.

@*Initializing File Manager with Azure service.*@

@* Replace the hosted port number in the place of "{port}" *@

<SfFileManager TValue="FileManagerDirectoryContent">
    <FileManagerAjaxSettings Url="http://localhost:{port}/api/AzureProvider/AzureFileOperations"


NuGet: Additionally, a NuGet package of ASP.NET Core Azure file system provider has been created.

Use the following command to install the NuGet package in an application.

 dotnet add package Syncfusion.EJ2.FileManager.AzureFileProvider.AspNet.Core

To perform file operations (Read, Create, Rename, Delete, Get file details, Search, Copy, Move, Upload, Download, GetImage) in the Syncfusion® Blazor File Manager component using the ASP.NET Core Azure cloud file system provider, you need to initialize the Azure cloud provider in the controller.

To initialize a local service with the above-mentioned file operations, create a new folder named Controllers inside the server part of the project. Then, create a new file with the extension .cs inside the Controllers folder and add the necessary file operations code available in the AzureProviderController.cs found at this link. Additionally, you can check out all the necessary file operation method details for this provider in the same GitHub repository.


To learn more about file actions that can be performed with ASP.NET Core Azure cloud file system provider, refer to this link