Data Markers in Blazor Gantt Chart Component

16 Aug 20234 minutes to read

Data markers are a set of events used to represent the schedule events for a task. Data markers are defined in data source as array of objects, and this value is mapped to the Gantt Chart component using the GanttTaskFields.Indicators property. You can represent more than one data marker in a task.

Data markers can be defined using the following properties:

  • Date : Defines the date of indicator.
  • IconClass : Defines the icon class of indicator.
  • Name : Defines the name of indicator.
  • Tooltip : Defines the tooltip of indicator.


Data Marker Tooltip will be rendered only if tooltip property has value.

The following code example demonstrates how to implement data markers in the Gantt chart.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt
<SfGantt @ref="Gantt" DataSource="@TaskCollection" Height="450px" Width="700px">
    <GanttTaskFields Id="TaskId" Name="TaskName" StartDate="StartDate" EndDate="EndDate" Duration="Duration"
                     Progress="Progress" ParentID="ParentId" Indicators="Indicators">

    public SfGantt<TaskData> Gantt;
    public List<TaskData> TaskCollection { get; set; }
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TaskCollection = GetTaskCollection();
    public class TaskData
        public int TaskId { get; set; }
        public string TaskName { get; set; }
        public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }
        public DateTime? EndDate { get; set; }
        public string Duration { get; set; }
        public int Progress { get; set; }
        public int? ParentId { get; set; }
        public List<GanttIndicator> Indicators { get; set; }
    public static List<TaskData> GetTaskCollection()
        List<TaskData> Tasks = new List<TaskData>() {
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 1, TaskName = "Project initiation", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), EndDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 06), Indicators=(new List<GanttIndicator>()
                    new GanttIndicator() { Name="product", IconClass="e-btn-icon e-notes-info e-icons e-icon-left e-gantt e-notes-info::before", Date=new DateTime(2022, 01, 11), Tooltip="sales"}
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 2, TaskName = "Identify Site location", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), Duration = "2", Progress = 30, ParentId = 1, Indicators=(new List<GanttIndicator>()
                    new GanttIndicator(){ Name="customer", IconClass="e-btn-icon e-notes-info e-icons e-icon-left e-gantt e-notes-info::before", Date=new DateTime(2022, 01, 11), Tooltip="people" },
                    new GanttIndicator(){ Name="product", IconClass="e-btn-icon e-notes-info e-icons e-icon-left e-gantt e-notes-info::before", Date=new DateTime(2022, 01, 8), Tooltip="sales" }
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 3, TaskName = "Perform soil test", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), EndDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 08), Duration = "5", Progress = 40, ParentId = 1 },
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 4, TaskName = "Soil test approval", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), Duration = "5", EndDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 08), Progress = 30, ParentId = 1 },
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 5, TaskName = "Project initiation", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), EndDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 08) },
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 6, TaskName = "Identify Site location", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), Duration = "2", Progress = 30, ParentId = 5 },
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 7, TaskName = "Perform soil test", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), Duration = "4", Progress = 40, ParentId = 5 },
            new TaskData() { TaskId = 8, TaskName = "Soil test approval", StartDate = new DateTime(2022, 01, 04), Duration = "5", Progress = 30, ParentId = 5 },
        return Tasks;


You can refer to our Blazor Gantt Chart feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Blazor Gantt Chart example to know how to render and configure the Gantt.