Dimensions in Blazor HeatMap Chart Component

28 Jan 20223 minutes to read

Size for heat map

You can set the size of heat map directly by using the Width and Height properties.

In pixel

You can set the size for heat map in a pixel.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

<SfHeatMap DataSource="@HeatMapData" Width="750px" Height="350px">
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)">
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@XAxisLabels"></HeatMapXAxis>
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@YAxisLabels"></HeatMapYAxis>
    <HeatMapCellSettings ShowLabel="true" TileType="CellType.Rect"></HeatMapCellSettings>

    int[,] GetDefaultData()
        int[,] dataSource = new int[,]
            {73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0},
            {93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68},
            {99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90},
            {14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3},
            {7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6},
            {41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79}
        return dataSource;
    string[] XAxisLabels = new string[] {"Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven", "Michael" };
    string[] YAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
    public object HeatMapData { get; set; }
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        HeatMapData = GetDefaultData();

Changing Blazor Heatmap Chart Size in Pixel

In percentage

By setting the value in percentage, the heat map gets its dimension with respect to its container. For example, when the height is ‘50%’, the heat map is rendered to half of the container height.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

<SfHeatMap DataSource="@HeatMapData" Width=75% Height=75%>
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)">
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@XAxisLabels"></HeatMapXAxis>
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@YAxisLabels"></HeatMapYAxis>
    <HeatMapCellSettings ShowLabel="true" TileType="CellType.Rect"></HeatMapCellSettings>

    int[,] GetDefaultData()
        int[,] dataSource = new int[,]
            {73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0},
            {93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68},
            {99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90},
            {14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3},
            {7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6},
            {41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79}
        return dataSource;
    string[] XAxisLabels = new string[] {"Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven", "Michael" };
    string[] YAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
    public object HeatMapData { get; set; }
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        HeatMapData = GetDefaultData();

Changing Blazor HeatMap Chart Size in Percentage