Events in Blazor HeatMap Chart Component

27 Sep 202318 minutes to read

This section describes the events that will be triggered for appropriate actions in HeatMap. The events should be declared in the HeatMap component using the HeatMapEvents.


When you click on a HeatMap cell, the CellClicked event is triggered. More information about the arguments in this event can be found here.

The following example demonstrates how to use the CellClicked event to retrieve the value of the clicked cell as well as its x-axis and y-axis labels.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

@if(IsVisible) {
        <span> X-Label : <b> @XLabel </b> </span> <br />
        <span> Y-Label : <b> @YLabel </b> </span> <br />
        <span> CellValue : <b> @CellValue </b> </span>

<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource">
    <HeatMapEvents CellClicked="@CellClicked" />
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)" />
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels" />
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels" />

@code {
    public bool IsVisible = false;
    public string XLabel { get; set; }
    public string YLabel { get; set; }
    public double CellValue { get; set; }
    private void CellClicked(CellClickEventArgs args)
        IsVisible = true;
        XLabel = args.XLabel;
        YLabel = args.YLabel;
        CellValue = args.Value;
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[,]
            { 73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0 },
            { 93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68 },
            { 99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90 },
            { 14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3 },
            { 7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6 },
            { 41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79 },
            { 56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33 },
            { 45, 7, 53, 81, 95, 79 },
            { 60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51 },
            { 25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14 },
            { 25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82 },
            { 74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven",
                 "Michael", "Robert", "Laura", "Anne", "Paul", "Karin", "Mario" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat" };

CellClicked event in Blazor HeatMap Chart


The CellRendering event will be triggered before each HeatMap cell is rendered. More information about the arguments in this event can be found here.

The following example demonstrates how to use the CellRendering event to customize the value, color, and border color of the cell.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource">
    <HeatMapEvents CellRendering="@CellRender"/>
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="GDP Growth Rate for Major Economies (in Percentage)"/>
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels"/>
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels"/>

    private void CellRender(HeatMapCellRenderEventArgs args)
        if (args.CellValue == "2.2")
            args.CellValue = "UPFRONT TEXT";
            args.CellColor = "#c7afcf";
            args.BorderColor = "Red";
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[2, 2]
            {9.5, 2.2 },
            {4.3, 8.9 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "China", "India" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "2008", "2009" };

CellRendering event in Blazor HeatMap Chart


When single or multiple cells in the HeatMap are selected, the CellSelected event is triggered. More information about the arguments in this event can be found here.

The following example demonstrates how to use the CellSelected event to obtain the count and details of the selected cells.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

@if (IsVisible)
    <div> Total Selected Cells : <b> @SelectedCellCount </b> </div>
<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource" AllowSelection="true">
    <HeatMapEvents CellSelected="@CellSelected" />
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)" />
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels" />
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels" />

@code {
    public bool IsVisible = false;
    public int SelectedCellCount { get; set; }
    private void CellSelected(SelectedEventArgs args)
        IsVisible = true;
        SelectedCellCount = args.Data.Count;
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[,]
            { 73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0 },
            { 93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68 },
            { 99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90 },
            { 14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3 },
            { 7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6 },
            { 41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79 },
            { 56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33 },
            { 45, 7, 53, 81, 95, 79 },
            { 60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51 },
            { 25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14 },
            { 25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82 },
            { 74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven",
                 "Michael", "Robert", "Laura", "Anne", "Paul", "Karin", "Mario" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat" };

CellSelected event in Blazor HeatMap Chart


The Created event is triggered during the initial rendering process, that is, immediately after the HeatMap component is initialized. This indicates that this event will be executed only once.

The following example demonstrates how to use the Created event.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

@if (IsVisible)
    <div> <b>@EventText</b> </div>
<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource">
    <HeatMapEvents Created="@Created" />
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)" />
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels" />
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels" />

@code {
    public bool IsVisible = false;
    public string EventText { get; set; }
    private void Created()
        IsVisible = true;
        EventText = "The created event has been triggered!!!";
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[,]
            { 73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0 },
            { 93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68 },
            { 99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90 },
            { 14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3 },
            { 7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6 },
            { 41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79 },
            { 56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33 },
            { 45, 7, 53, 81, 95, 79 },
            { 60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51 },
            { 25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14 },
            { 25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82 },
            { 74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven",
                 "Michael", "Robert", "Laura", "Anne", "Paul", "Karin", "Mario" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat" };

Created event in Blazor HeatMap Chart


The OnLoad event is triggered before the HeatMap is rendered. More information about the arguments in this event can be found here.

The following example demonstrates how to use the OnLoad event.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

@if (IsVisible)
    <div> <b>@EventText</b> </div>
<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource">
    <HeatMapEvents OnLoad="@Load" />
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)" />
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels" />
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels" />

@code {
    public bool IsVisible = false;
    public string EventText { get; set; }
    private void Load(LoadedEventArgs args)
        IsVisible = true;
        EventText = "The load event has been triggered!!!";
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[,]
            { 73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0 },
            { 93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68 },
            { 99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90 },
            { 14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3 },
            { 7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6 },
            { 41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79 },
            { 56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33 },
            { 45, 7, 53, 81, 95, 79 },
            { 60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51 },
            { 25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14 },
            { 25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82 },
            { 74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven",
                 "Michael", "Robert", "Laura", "Anne", "Paul", "Karin", "Mario" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat" };

OnLoad event in Blazor HeatMap Chart


The Loaded event is triggered when the HeatMap component is re-rendered during a browser window resize. More information about the arguments in this event can be found here.

The following example demonstrates how to use the Loaded event.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

@if (IsVisible)
    <div> <b>@EventText</b> </div>
<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource">
    <HeatMapEvents Loaded="@Loaded" />
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)" />
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels" />
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels" />

@code {
    public bool IsVisible = false;
    public string EventText { get; set; }
    private void Loaded(LoadedEventArgs args)
        IsVisible = true;
        EventText = "The loaded event has been triggered!!!";
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[,]
            { 73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0 },
            { 93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68 },
            { 99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90 },
            { 14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3 },
            { 7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6 },
            { 41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79 },
            { 56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33 },
            { 45, 7, 53, 81, 95, 79 },
            { 60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51 },
            { 25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14 },
            { 25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82 },
            { 74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven",
                 "Michael", "Robert", "Laura", "Anne", "Paul", "Karin", "Mario" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat" };

Loaded event in Blazor HeatMap Chart


When the browser window is resized, the Resized event is triggered. More information about the arguments in this event can be found here.

The following example demonstrates how to use the Resized event.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

@if (IsVisible)
    <div> <b>@EventText</b> </div>
<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource">
    <HeatMapEvents Resized="@Resized" />
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)" />
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels" />
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels" />

@code {
    public bool IsVisible = false;
    public string EventText { get; set; }
    private void Resized(ResizeEventArgs args)
        IsVisible = true;
        EventText = "The resized event has been triggered!!!";
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[,]
            { 73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0 },
            { 93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68 },
            { 99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90 },
            { 14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3 },
            { 7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6 },
            { 41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79 },
            { 56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33 },
            { 45, 7, 53, 81, 95, 79 },
            { 60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51 },
            { 25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14 },
            { 25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82 },
            { 74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven",
                 "Michael", "Robert", "Laura", "Anne", "Paul", "Karin", "Mario" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat" };

Resized event in Blazor HeatMap Chart


The TooltipRendering event is triggered before the tooltip is rendered on the HeatMap cell. More information about the arguments in this event can be found here.

The following example demonstrates how to use the TooltipRendering event to customize tooltips for specific cells when hovering over them.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.HeatMap

<SfHeatMap DataSource="@dataSource">
    <HeatMapEvents TooltipRendering="@TooltipRendering" />
    <HeatMapTitleSettings Text="Sales Revenue per Employee (in 1000 US$)" />
    <HeatMapXAxis Labels="@xAxisLabels" />
    <HeatMapYAxis Labels="@yAxisLabels" />

@code {
    private void TooltipRendering(TooltipEventArgs args)
        args.Content = new string[] { $"On {args.YLabel}, {args.XLabel} contributed {args.Value * 1000:C0} in sales revenue." };
    public double[,] dataSource = new double[,]
            { 73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0 },
            { 93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68 },
            { 99, 28, 22, 4, 66, 90 },
            { 14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3 },
            { 7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6 },
            { 41, 55, 73, 23, 3, 79 },
            { 56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33 },
            { 45, 7, 53, 81, 95, 79 },
            { 60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51 },
            { 25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14 },
            { 25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82 },
            { 74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59 }
    public string[] xAxisLabels = new string[] { "Nancy", "Andrew", "Janet", "Margaret", "Steven",
                 "Michael", "Robert", "Laura", "Anne", "Paul", "Karin", "Mario" };
    public string[] yAxisLabels = new string[] { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };

TooltipRendering event in Blazor HeatMap Chart