Style and Appearance in Blazor In-place Editor Component

7 Jul 20222 minutes to read

The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on the user preference.

Customizing the In-place Editor text

Use the following CSS to customize the default In-place Editor’s text content properties like font-family, font-size, color and border bottom.

/* To change color, font family and font size */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-value-wrapper .e-editable-value {
    border-bottom: 2px dotted green;
    color: red;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Segoe UI

Customizing the In-place Editor action buttons

Use the following CSS to customize the default In-place Editor’s action buttons.

/* To change icon color for save button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons,
.e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons{
    color: green;

/* To change icon color for cancel button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons,  .e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons {
    color: red;

/* To change background color for save button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn,
.e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn {
    background-color: antiquewhite;

/* To change background color for cancel button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn,
.e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn {
    background-color: antiquewhite;

Customizing In-place editor outer style like material filled

Use the following CSS to customize the In-place editor outer style like material filled text fields.

/* To remove the default bottom underline */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-value-container .e-editable-value {
    border-bottom: none;
/* To change background color and border radius of in-place editor container */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-value-container {
    background: #e9ecef;
    border-radius: 4px;
/* To show the edit icon */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-value-container .e-editable-overlay-icon {
    visibility: visible;

Blazor In-place Editor outer style like material filled