Common Installation Errors

12 Aug 20213 minutes to read

This article describes the most common installation errors, as well as the causes and solutions to those errors.

Unlocking the license installer using the trial key

Error Message: Sorry, the provided unlock key is a trial unlock key and cannot be used to unlock the licensed version of our Essential Studio for Blazor installer.

Installation Unlock Error

You are attempting to use a Trial unlock key to unlock the licensed installer.

Suggested solution
Only a licensed unlock key can unlock a licensed installer. So, to unlock the Licensed installer, use the Licensed unlock key. To generate the licensed unlock key, refer to this article.

License has expired

Error Message: Your license for Syncfusion Essential Studio for Blazor has been expired since {date}. Please renew your subscription and try again.

Online Installer

Installation License Expired Error

This error message will appear if your license has expired.

Suggested solution
You can choose from the options listed below.

  1. You can renew your subscription here.
  2. You can get a new license here.
  3. You can reach out to our sales team by emailing [email protected].
  4. You can also extend the 30-day trial period after your license has expired.

Unable to find a valid license or trial

Error Message: Sorry, we are unable to find a valid license or trial for Essential Studio for Blazor under your account.

Offline installer

Installation Offline Installer Error

Online installer

Installation Online Installer Error

The following are possible causes of this error:

  • When your trial period expired
  • When you don’t have a license or an active trial
  • You are not the license holder of your license
  • Your account administrator has not yet assigned you a license.

Suggested solution

  1. You can get a new license here.
  2. Contact your account administrator.
  3. Send an email to [email protected] to request a license.
  4. You can reach out to our sales team by emailing [email protected].

Unable to install because of another installation

Error Message: Another installation is in progress. You cannot start this installation without completing all other currently active installations. Click cancel to end this installer or retry to attempt after currently active installation completed to install again.

Installation Error Another MSI Running

You are trying to install when another installation is already running in your machine.

Suggested solution
Open and kill the msiexec process in the task manager and then continue to install Syncfusion. If the problem is still present, restart the computer and try Syncfusion installer.

  1. Open the Windows Task Manager.
  2. Browse the Details tab.
  3. Select the msiexec.exe and click End task.

Installation Error MSIEXEC Kill

Unable to install due to controlled folder access


Error Message: Controlled folder access seems to be enabled in your machine. The provided install or samples location (e.g., Public Documents) is protected by the controlled folder access settings.

Installation Offline Installer Error Controlled Folder Access


Error Message: Controlled folder access seems to be enabled in your machine. The provided install, samples, or download location (e.g., Public Documents) are protected by the controlled folder access settings.

Installation Online Installer Error Controlled Folder Access

You have enabled controlled folder access settings on your computer.

Suggested solution
Select a different location to install or deactivate your machine’s controlled folder access settings, and then try installing.