Get selected items from listview template in Blazor ListView Component

7 Feb 20225 minutes to read

Single or multiple items can be selected by users in the ListView control. By default, dataSource Id and Text is mapped in default rendering of listview, since it returns the selected item data properly. But in the custom template, dataSource and the corresponding mapping (text, id, elements rendered inside li element) will vary as per the application requirement.

So, it is needed to map id attribute to listview items using ListViewFieldSettings of DataSource to get the selected item data properly while working with custom templates.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Lists

<div id="container">
    <div class="sample flex vertical-center">
        <div class="padding">
            <SfListView DataSource="@DataSource" CssClass="e-list-template">
                <ListViewFieldSettings TValue="ListDataModel" Id="Id" Text="Name"></ListViewFieldSettings>
                <ListViewTemplates TValue="ListDataModel">
                            ListDataModel currentData = (ListDataModel)context;
                            <div class="e-list-wrapper e-list-multi-line e-list-avatar" @onclick="(e => OnSelect(currentData))">
                                <img src="@(currentData.Image)" class="e-avatar e-avatar-circle" />
                                <span class="e-list-item-header">@currentData.Name</span>
                                <span class="e-list-content">@currentData.Contact</span>
        <div class="padding">

    ListDataModel Selected;

    List<ListDataModel> DataSource = new List<ListDataModel>() {
        new ListDataModel { Name = "Nancy", Contact = "(206) 555-985774", Id = "1", Image = "", Category = "Experience" },
        new ListDataModel { Name = "Janet", Contact = "(206) 555-3412", Id = "2", Image = "", Category = "Fresher" },
        new ListDataModel { Name = "Margaret", Contact = "(206) 555-8122", Id = "4", Image = "", Category = "Experience" },
        new ListDataModel { Name = "Andrew ", Contact = "(206) 555-9482", Id = "5", Image = "", Category = "Experience" },
        new ListDataModel { Name = "Steven", Contact = "(71) 555-4848", Id = "6", Image = "", Category = "Fresher" },

    void OnSelect(ListDataModel listData)
        Selected = listData;

    public class ListDataModel
        public string Id
        public string Name
        public string Image

        public string Category

        public string Contact
    #container .e-listview {
        box-shadow: 0 1px 4px #ddd;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;

    .sample {
        justify-content: center;
        min-height: 280px;

    .vertical-center {
        align-items: center;

    .padding {
        padding: 4px;

    .flex {
        display: flex;

    .flex__center {
        justify-content: center;

    .margin {
        margin: 10px;

Getting Selected Item from Blazor ListView