UI Virtualization in Blazor ListView Component

10 Jan 20254 minutes to read

UI Virtualization loads only viewable list items in a view port, which will improve the ListView performance while loading a large number of data.

Enabling UI Virtualization

UI Virtualization can be enabled in the ListView by setting the EnableVirtualization property to true. It has two types of scrollers as follows:

Window scroll: This scroller is used in the ListView by default.

Container scroll: This scroller is used, when the height property of the ListView is set.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Lists
<SfListView DataSource="@ListData" EnableVirtualization="true">
    <ListViewFieldSettings TValue="DataModel" Id="Id" Text="Text"></ListViewFieldSettings>

    List<DataModel> ListData = new List<DataModel>();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Nancy",
            Id = "0"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Andrew",
            Id = "1"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Janet",
            Id = "2"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Margaret",
            Id = "3"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Steven",
            Id = "4"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Laura",
            Id = "5"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Robert",
            Id = "6"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Michael",
            Id = "7"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Albert",
            Id = "8"
        ListData.Add(new DataModel
            Text = "Nolan",
            Id = "9"

        for (int i = 10; i < 1000; i++)
            int index = new Random().Next(0, 10);
            ListData.Add(new DataModel
                Text = ListData[index].GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(ListData[index], null).ToString(),
                Id = i.ToString()


    public class DataModel
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }

Virtualization in Blazor ListView

Limitations for Virtualization

  • When enabling Virtualization for ListView, it is important to specify the height in pixels. Percentage values are not accepted.
  • If you prefer to use a percentage value, you can render the component within a div container with a specific pixel value set for height (It will be rendered based on the parent container height).