Breakpoints in Blazor Media Query Component
25 Jun 20242 minutes to read
The Blazor Media Query breakpoints are used to create responsive and adaptive layouts for your web applications by referring to specific points in a device’s screen size where the layout and styling of the web application need to be adjusted for the best user experience.
Built-in breakpoints
You can customize the appearance of the applications based on screen size by using the built-in breakpoints. The ActiveBreakpoint gives the breakpoint that is currently matching the media query.
The built-in breakpoint values of Media Query component are as follows:
- Small - browser width <= 768 pixels
- Medium - browser width between 768 and 1024 pixels
- Large - browser width >= 1024 pixels
Modifying built-in breakpoints
You can modify the query for built-in breakpoints by using the MediaQuery property of the MediaBreakpoint in SfMediaQuery
@using Syncfusion.Blazor
<SfMediaQuery @bind-ActiveBreakpoint="@activeBreakpoint"></SfMediaQuery>
<h3>The active breakpoint is @activeBreakpoint</h3>
@code {
private string activeBreakpoint;
protected override void OnInitialized()
SfMediaQuery.Small.MediaQuery = "(max-width: 500px)";
SfMediaQuery.Medium.MediaQuery = "(min-width: 500px)";
SfMediaQuery.Large.MediaQuery = "(min-width: 1600px)";
Custom media breakpoints
The Blazor Media Query component allows you to define custom media breakpoints by using the MediaBreakpoints property to customize the appearance of the web application depending on your unique needs.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor
<SfMediaQuery MediaBreakpoints="@mediaBreakPoint" @bind-ActiveBreakpoint="@activeBreakpoint"></SfMediaQuery>
<h3>The active breakpoint is @activeBreakpoint</h3>
@code {
private string activeBreakpoint;
private List<MediaBreakpoint> mediaBreakPoint = new List<MediaBreakpoint>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
mediaBreakPoint = new List<MediaBreakpoint>()
new MediaBreakpoint() { Breakpoint = "Mobile", MediaQuery = "(max-width: 600px)" },
new MediaBreakpoint() { Breakpoint = "Tablet", MediaQuery = "(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 999px)" },
new MediaBreakpoint() { Breakpoint = "Laptop", MediaQuery = "(min-width: 1000px) and (max-width: 1199px)" },
new MediaBreakpoint() { Breakpoint = "Desktop", MediaQuery = "(min-width: 1200px)" }