Global level reuse of Blazor Media Query component

8 Feb 20242 minutes to read

You can globally reuse the Media Query component in any razor pages within web application to achieve a more flexible and responsive layout design.

Define the Media Query component along with layout Body property within the CascadingValue component in MainLayout.razor page.

@inherits LayoutComponentBase

<div class="page">
    <div class="sidebar">
        <NavMenu />
        <div class="top-row px-4">
            <a href="" target="_blank">About</a>
        <article class="content px-4">
            <CascadingValue Value="@activeBreakPoint">
                <SfMediaQuery @bind-ActiveBreakPoint="activeBreakPoint"></SfMediaQuery>

@code {
    public string activeBreakPoint { get; set; }

If you are using .NET 8, configure the @rendermode in the <body> section of the ~/Components/App.razor file, as shown below:

    <Routes @rendermode="InteractiveServer" />

In the below example, the activeBreakPoint was accessed in the Home.razor and Counter.razor files.

The active breakpoint is @activeBreakPoint
<h5>Home Page</h5>

@code {
    public string activeBreakPoint { get; set; }
The active breakpoint is @activeBreakPoint
<br /><br />
<h5>Counter Page</h5>

@code {
    public string activeBreakPoint { get; set; }

Reusable Blazor Media Query Component