Import annotations as objects in Blazor PDF Viewer Component

5 Dec 20241 minute to read

The Syncfusion® Blazor PDF Viewer component allows to import annotations from objects or streams instead of loading it as a file. To import such annotation objects, the PDF Viewer control must export the PDF annotations as objects using the ExportAnnotationsAsObject() method. Only the annotations objects that are exported from the PDF Viewer can be imported.

The following code example shows how to import annotations as objects, that are exported using the ExportAnnotationsAsObject() method.

@page "/"
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewer

<button @onclick="ExportAnnot">ExportAnnot</button>
<button @onclick="ImportAnnot">ImportAnnot</button>

<SfPdfViewerServer @ref="PdfViewer" DocumentPath="@DocumentPath" Height="500px" Width="1060px">

@code {
    public SfPdfViewerServer PdfViewer { get; set; }
    private string DocumentPath { get; set; } = "PDF_Succinctly.pdf";
    public object annotation;

    //Export the annotations as an object
    public async void ExportAnnot()
        await PdfViewer.ExportAnnotation();
        annotation = await PdfViewer.ExportAnnotationsAsObject();

    //Import the annotations that are exported as objects
    public async void ImportAnnot()
        await PdfViewer.ImportAnnotation(annotation);


View sample in GitHub.


You can refer to our Blazor PDF Viewer feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Blazor PDF Viewer example to understand how to explains core features of PDF Viewer.