Move the scrollbar to the exact location of annotations

5 Dec 20241 minute to read

The Syncfusion® Blazor PDF Viewer component allows you to move the scrollbar to the exact location of annotations present in a loaded PDF document using the GoToBookmark method.

The following code example shows how to move the scrollbar to annotation location.

<button @onclick="navigate">Navigation</button>

<SfPdfViewerServer @ref="PdfViewer" DocumentPath="@DocumentPath">
    <PdfViewerEvents DocumentLoaded="DocumentLoad"></PdfViewerEvents>

    SfPdfViewerServer PdfViewer;
    public string DocumentPath { get; set; } = "wwwroot/data/PDF Succinctly.pdf";
    public Dictionary<int, System.Drawing.SizeF> pageSize { get; set; }

    private void DocumentLoad(LoadEventArgs args)
        pageSize = args.PageData.PageSizes;

    private async void navigate()
        var annotationCollection = await PdfViewer.GetAnnotations();
        var pageNumber = (annotationCollection[0].PageNumber);
        var Y = annotationCollection[0].Bound.Top;
        await PdfViewer.GoToBookmark(pageNumber, (pageSize[pageNumber].Height - Y));


Find the sample How to move the scrollbar to exact location of annotations