Apply custom style to pivot cells in Blazor Pivot Table Component
29 Sep 20234 minutes to read
The EnginePopulated event within the PivotViewEvents, which is triggered whenever the report is modified and the engine is populated, allows you to apply custom styling to row, column and value cells in the pivot table.
In the following example, a custom style has been applied to the column header “FY 2015” and to the row header “Germany” and its aggregated value via the EnginePopulated event by adding the “e-custom” class to the cellData.CssClass
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.PivotView
<SfPivotView TValue="ProductDetails">
<PivotViewDataSourceSettings DataSource="@dataSource">
<PivotViewColumn Name="Year"></PivotViewColumn>
<PivotViewColumn Name="Quarter"></PivotViewColumn>
<PivotViewRow Name="Country"></PivotViewRow>
<PivotViewRow Name="Products"></PivotViewRow>
<PivotViewValue Name="Sold" Caption="Units Sold"></PivotViewValue>
<PivotViewValue Name="Amount" Caption="Sold Amount"></PivotViewValue>
<PivotViewFormatSetting Name="Amount" Format="C"></PivotViewFormatSetting>
<PivotViewEvents TValue="ProductDetails" EnginePopulated="EnginePopulated"></PivotViewEvents>
.e-pivotview .e-custom,
.e-pivotview .e-custom.e-headercell {
font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
font-size: 12px !important;
background: pink !important;
@code {
private List<ProductDetails> data { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
{ = ProductDetails.GetProductData().ToList();
private void EnginePopulated(EnginePopulatedEventArgs args)
for (int i = 0, j = args.PivotValues.Count(); i < j; i++)
var rowData = args.PivotValues[i];
for (var k = 0; (rowData != null && k < rowData.Count()); k++)
var cellData = args.PivotValues[i][k];
if (cellData != null)
if ((cellData.Axis == "row" && cellData.FormattedText == "Germany"))
cellData.CssClass = "e-custom";
if ((cellData.Axis == "column" && cellData.FormattedText == "FY 2017"))
cellData.CssClass = "e-custom";
if ((cellData.Axis == "value" && cellData.ColumnHeaders.ToString() == "FY 2016" && cellData.RowHeaders.ToString() == "Germany" && cellData.ActualText.ToString() == "Amount"))
cellData.CssClass = "e-custom";