Customize number and date format in Blazor Pivot Table Component

17 Dec 20223 minutes to read

User can format the number, date, and time values for each field using PivotViewFormatSettings option under PivotViewDataSource. It can be configured through code behind, during initial rendering.

Number formatting

For numbers, the formatting settings required to apply through code behind are:

  • Name: It allows to set the field name.
  • Format: It allows to set the format of the respective field.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.PivotView

<SfPivotView TValue="ProductDetails">
    <PivotViewDataSourceSettings DataSource="@data">
            <PivotViewColumn Name="Year"></PivotViewColumn>
            <PivotViewColumn Name="Quarter"></PivotViewColumn>
            <PivotViewRow Name="Country"></PivotViewRow>
            <PivotViewRow Name="Products"></PivotViewRow>
            <PivotViewValue Name="Sold" Caption="Units Sold"></PivotViewValue>
            <PivotViewValue Name="Amount" Caption="Sold Amount"></PivotViewValue>
            <PivotViewFormatSetting Name="Sold" Format="N"></PivotViewFormatSetting>
            <PivotViewFormatSetting Name="Amount" Format="C"></PivotViewFormatSetting>

    public List<ProductDetails> data { get; set; }
    protected override void OnInitialized()
    { = ProductDetails.GetProductData().ToList();
        //Bind the data source collection here. Refer "Assigning sample data to the pivot table" section in getting started for more details.

Number Formatting in Blazor PivotTable

Date and time formatting


This property is applicable only for relational data source.

For date and time, the formatting settings required to apply through code behind are:

  • Name: It allows to set the field name.
  • Format: It allows to set the format of the respective field.
  • Type: It allows to set the type of format to be used for the respective field.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.PivotView

<SfPivotView TValue="ProductDetails" Width="800" Height="300">
    <PivotViewDataSourceSettings DataSource="@data">
            <PivotViewColumn Name="Id" Caption="ID"></PivotViewColumn>
            <PivotViewRow Name="Date" Caption="Date"></PivotViewRow>
            <PivotViewValue Name="ProCost" Caption="Amount"></PivotViewValue>
            <PivotViewFormatSetting Name="Date" Type="FormatType.DateTime" Format="dd/MM/yyyy-hh:mm a"></PivotViewFormatSetting>
    public List<ProductDetails> data { get; set; }
    protected override void OnInitialized()
    { = ProductDetails.GetProductData().ToList();

Date Formatting in Blazor PivotTable

Limitations of date formatting

As per Firefox and Edge browsers standards, most of the date and time formats used in data source aren’t supported. For example: Apr-2000, Apr-01-2000, 01-03-2000, 2000-Apr-01 etc. are not supported. Meanwhile ISO formats will be supported across all browsers.


You can refer to our Blazor Pivot Table feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Blazor Pivot Table example to know how to render and configure the pivot table.