Customization in Blazor ProgressBar Component

28 Mar 20235 minutes to read


Divide a progress bar into multiple segments by using the SegmentCount property to visualize the progress for multiple sequential tasks, and the EnableProgressSegments property to divide the progress into multiple segments without the track. Meanwhile, the SegmentColor property represents the color of each segment.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="100" Height="180" SegmentCount="8" SegmentColor='new string[] { "#00bdaf", "#2f7ecc", "#e9648e", "#fbb78a" }' Minimum="0" Maximum="100" TrackColor="#696969">

<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" EnableProgressSegments="true" Value="100" Height="180" SegmentColor='new string[] { "#00bdaf", "#2f7ecc", "#e9648e", "#fbb78a" }' SegmentCount="8" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" TrackColor="#696969">

Blazor ProgressBar with Segments


You can customize the thickness of the track using the TrackThickness, progress using the ProgressThickness and secondary progress using the SecondaryProgressThickness to render the progress bar with different appearances.

 @using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="100" Height="60" Width="90%" TrackThickness="24" ProgressThickness="24" ShowProgressValue="true" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">

Blazor ProgressBar with Thickness

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar  Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="80" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" SecondaryProgress="50" SecondaryProgressThickness="30" >

<SfProgressBar  Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="80" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" SecondaryProgress="40" SecondaryProgressThickness="20">

Blazor Secondary ProgressBar with Thickness


The radius of the progress bar can be customized using the Radius property, and the progress edges can be customized using the CornerRadius property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="60" Height="160px" Width="160px" EnableRtl="false" TrackColor="#FFD939" Radius="80%" InnerRadius="190%" ProgressColor="white" TrackThickness="80" ProgressThickness="10" CornerRadius="CornerType.Round" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">

Blazor ProgressBar with Radius

Inner Radius

The inner radius of the progress bar can be customized using the InnerRadius property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="60" Height="160px" Width="160px" EnableRtl="false"
                TrackColor="#FFD939" Radius="80%" InnerRadius="80%" ProgressColor="white" TrackThickness="80" ProgressThickness="10" CornerRadius="CornerType.Round" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">

Blazor ProgressBar with Inner Radius

Progress Color and Track Color

We can customize the color of the progress, secondary progress, and track using ProgressColor, SecondaryProgressColor and TrackColor properties.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="50" Height="60" Width="90%" TrackColor="#F8C7D8"
        ShowProgressValue="true" InnerRadius="190%" ProgressColor="#E3165B" TrackThickness="24" CornerRadius="CornerType.Round"
        ProgressThickness="24" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">

Customizing Blazor ProgressBar and Track Color

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar  Type="ProgressType.Linear" ProgressColor="#cc0202" Value="50" ProgressThickness="10" TrackThickness="10" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" SecondaryProgress="60"  SecondaryProgressThickness="10" SecondaryProgressColor="#faa7a7" >

<SfProgressBar  Type=" ProgressType.Circular"  ProgressColor="#cc0202" Value="50" ProgressThickness="10" TrackThickness="10" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" SecondaryProgress="60" SecondaryProgressThickness="10" SecondaryProgressColor= "#faa7a7" >

Customizing Blazor Secondary ProgressBar Color

Range Colors

Enhance the readability of progress by visualizing a multiple ranges with different colors, that are mapped to each range. Colors can be mapped to specific ranges using the ProgressBarRangeColors, which holds a collection of the ProgressBarRangeColor type.

The Color property represents color to the specified range. The Start and the End properties represents start and end range of the color. The IsGradient property represents whether the gradient effect is applied to the color.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar Value="100" IsGradient="true">
        <ProgressBarRangeColor Start="0" End="25" Color="#00bdaf"></ProgressBarRangeColor>
        <ProgressBarRangeColor Start="25" End="50" Color="#2f7ecc"></ProgressBarRangeColor>
        <ProgressBarRangeColor Start="50" End="75" Color="#e9648e"></ProgressBarRangeColor>
        <ProgressBarRangeColor Start="75" End="100" Color="#fbb78a"></ProgressBarRangeColor>

Changing Range Color in Blazor ProgressBar


The progress bar supports right-to-left (RTL) rendering, which can be enabled by setting the EnableRtl property to true.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar

<SfProgressBar EnableRtl="true" Value="50" Type="ProgressType.Linear">

<SfProgressBar EnableRtl="true" Value="80" Type="ProgressType.Circular">

Right-to-left in Blazor ProgressBar

Progress Bar Visibility

The progress bar visibility can be changed by using the Visible property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar
 <SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="100" Height="60" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Visible="@visible">
    <ProgressBarAnimation  Enable="true"></ProgressBarAnimation>
    <ProgressBarEvents AnimationComplete="@AnimationHandler"></ProgressBarEvents>
    <p align="center" style="color:#2e2ef1; font-size: larger ">
    private string uploadStatus { get; set; } = null;
    private bool visible { get; set; } = true;
    public void AnimationHandler(ProgressValueEventArgs args)
        if (args.Value == 100)
            visible = false;
            uploadStatus = "UPLOAD SUCCESS...";

Blazor ProgressBar Visibility