Types in Blazor ProgressBar Component
21 Dec 20211 minute to read
In this section, the progress can be visualized in different shapes, such as a rectangle, circle, or semi-circle to give it a unique look.
To get a linear progress bar, set the Type property to Linear. As shown in the following, it also supports secondary progress, indeterminate, segments, and different modes of progress.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="100" Height="60" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="20" Height="60" IsIndeterminate="true" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<ProgressBarAnimation Enable="true"></ProgressBarAnimation>
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="40" Height="60" SecondaryProgress="60" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Value="100" Height="60" SegmentCount="8" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
To get the circular progress bar, set the Type property to Circular. As shown in the following, it also supports secondary progress, indeterminate, segments, pie progress, and different modes of progress.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.ProgressBar
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="100" Height="60" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="20" Height="60" IsIndeterminate="true" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<ProgressBarAnimation Enable="true"></ProgressBarAnimation>
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="40" Height="60" SecondaryProgress="60" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="100" Height="60" SegmentCount="8" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Circular" Value="80" Height="60" EnablePieProgress="true" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">