Clone Group/ Rule in Blazor QueryBuilder Component

26 Mar 20244 minutes to read

The Blazor Query Builder functionality extends to cloning both individual rules and entire groups. Utilizing the Clone options will generate an exact duplicate of a rule or group adjacent to the original one. This feature enables users to replicate complex query structures effortlessly. The ShowButtons function offers users the ability to toggle the visibility of these cloning buttons, providing convenient control over the cloning process within the Query Builder interface.

You can clone groups and rules by interacting through the user interface and methods.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.QueryBuilder
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

<SfQueryBuilder TValue="EmployeeDetails" @ref="QuerybuilderObj">
    <QueryBuilderShowButtons RuleDelete="true" GroupDelete="true" GroupInsert="true" CloneGroup="true" CloneRule="true"></QueryBuilderShowButtons>
    <QueryBuilderRule Condition="or" Rules="@Rules"></QueryBuilderRule>
        <QueryBuilderColumn Field="EmployeeID" Label="Employee ID" Type="ColumnType.Number"></QueryBuilderColumn>
        <QueryBuilderColumn Field="FirstName" Label="First Name" Type="ColumnType.String"></QueryBuilderColumn>
        <QueryBuilderColumn Field="TitleOfCourtesy" Label="Title Of Courtesy" Type="ColumnType.Boolean"></QueryBuilderColumn>
        <QueryBuilderColumn Field="HireDate" Label="Hire Date" Type="ColumnType.Date" Format="MM/dd/yyyy"></QueryBuilderColumn>
        <QueryBuilderColumn Field="Country" Label="Country" Type="ColumnType.String"></QueryBuilderColumn>

<SfButton @onclick="cloneGroup" IsPrimary="true" Content="Clone Group"></SfButton>
<SfButton @onclick="cloneRule" IsPrimary="true" Content="Clone Rule"></SfButton>

@code {
    SfQueryBuilder<EmployeeDetails> QuerybuilderObj;
    List<RuleModel> Rules = new List<RuleModel>()
            new RuleModel { Field="Country", Label="Country", Type="String", Operator="equal", Value = "England" },
            new RuleModel { Field="EmployeeID", Label="EmployeeID", Type="Number", Operator="notequal", Value = 1001 },
            new RuleModel { Condition = "or", Rules = new List<RuleModel>()
                new RuleModel { Field="EmployeeID", Label="EmployeeID", Type="Number", Operator="notequal", Value = 1002 },
            } }

    RuleModel SampRule = new RuleModel()
            Label = "Employee ID",
            Field = "EmployeeID",
            Type = "Number",
            Operator = "equal",
            Value = 1091

    RuleModel SampGroup = new RuleModel()
            Condition = "or",
            Rules = new List<RuleModel>()
            new RuleModel()
                Label = "Employee ID",
                Field = "EmployeeID",
                Type = "Number",
                Operator = "equal",
                Value = 1091

    public string[] GroupID = new string[] { "group1" };

    private void cloneGroup()
        QuerybuilderObj.CloneGroup("group1", 2);

    private void cloneRule()
        QuerybuilderObj.CloneRule("group0_rule0", 1);

    public class EmployeeDetails
        public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public bool TitleOfCourtesy { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }

Clone Group/Rule in Blazor QueryBuilder


You can also explore our Blazor Query Builder example to know how to render and configure the query builder.