Print and Export in Blazor Range Selector Component
15 Dec 20233 minutes to read
The rendered Range Selector can be printed directly from the browser by calling the public method PrintAsync
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<SfRangeNavigator @ref="RangeObj" Value="@Value" ValueType="RangeValueType.DateTime">
<RangeNavigatorSeries DataSource="@StockInfo" XName="Date" Type="RangeNavigatorType.StepLine" YName="Close">
<SfButton Id="button" Content="Print" @onclick="@Click" IsPrimary="true" CssClass="e-flat">
@code {
public SfRangeNavigator RangeObj;
public class StockDetails
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public double Close { get; set; }
public DateTime[] Value = new DateTime[] { new DateTime(2006, 01, 01), new DateTime(2008, 01, 01) };
public List<StockDetails> StockInfo = new List<StockDetails> {
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2005, 01, 01), Close = 21 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2006, 01, 01), Close = 24 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2007, 01, 01), Close = 36 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2008, 01, 01), Close = 38 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2009, 01, 01), Close = 54 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2010, 01, 01), Close = 57 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 01), Close = 70 }
public async Task Click(MouseEventArgs args)
await RangeObj.PrintAsync();
The rendered Range Selector can be exported to JPEG, PNG, SVG, PDF, XLSX, or CSV format by using the ExportAsync
method in the Range Selector. This method contains the following parameters:
- Type - To specify the export type. The component can be exported to JPEG, PNG, SVG, PDF, XLSX, or CSV format.
- File name - To specify the file name to export.
- Orientation - To specify the orientation type. This is applicable only for PDF export type. It is an optional parameter.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
<SfRangeNavigator @ref="RangeObj" Value="@Value" ValueType="RangeValueType.DateTime">
<RangeNavigatorSeries DataSource="@StockInfo" XName="Date" Type="RangeNavigatorType.StepLine" YName="Close">
<SfButton Id="button" Content="Export" @onclick="@Click" IsPrimary="true" CssClass="e-flat">
@code {
public SfRangeNavigator RangeObj;
public class StockDetails
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public double Close { get; set; }
public DateTime[] Value = new DateTime[] { new DateTime(2006, 01, 01), new DateTime(2008, 01, 01) };
public List<StockDetails> StockInfo = new List<StockDetails> {
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2005, 01, 01), Close = 21 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2006, 01, 01), Close = 24 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2007, 01, 01), Close = 36 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2008, 01, 01), Close = 38 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2009, 01, 01), Close = 54 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2010, 01, 01), Close = 57 },
new StockDetails { Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 01), Close = 70 }
public async Task Click(MouseEventArgs args)
await RangeObj.ExportAsync(ExportType.PDF, "pngImage", Syncfusion.PdfExport.PdfPageOrientation.Landscape);