Formatting in Blazor Range Slider Component

21 Feb 20251 minute to read

The Format feature used to customize the units of Slider values to desired format. The formatted values will also be applied to the ARIA attributes of the slider. There are two ways of achieving formatting in slider.


Use the Format API of slider which utilizes our Internationalization to format values.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs

<SfSlider @bind-Value="@CurrencyValue">
    <SliderTooltip IsVisible="true" ShowOn="TooltipShowOn.Always" Format="C2" Placement="TooltipPlacement.Before"></SliderTooltip>
    <SliderTicks Placement="Placement.Before" Format="C2" ShowSmallTicks="true" LargeStep="20" SmallStep="10"></SliderTicks>

@code {
    int CurrencyValue = 30;

Formating in Blazor RangeSlider

Using format API

Slider provides different predefined formatting styles like Numeric (N), Percentage (P), Currency (C) and # specifiers.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs

<SfSlider Min="1" Max="10" @bind-Value="@PercentageValue">
    <SliderTicks Placement="Placement.After" Format="P0" ShowSmallTicks="true" LargeStep="2" SmallStep="1"></SliderTicks>
    <SliderTooltip IsVisible="true" ShowOn="TooltipShowOn.Always" Format="P0" Placement="TooltipPlacement.Before"></SliderTooltip>

@code {
    int PercentageValue = 3;

Blazor Range Slider Format API