Time Range Slider in Blazor Range Slider Component
21 Feb 20252 minutes to read
The time formatting can be achieved same as the date formatting using TicksRendering
and OnTooltipChange
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs
<SfSlider TValue="int[]" Min="MinValue()" Max="@MaxValue()" Type="SliderType.Range" @bind-Value="@SliderValues">
<SliderEvents TValue="int[]" OnTooltipChange="@TooltipChange" TicksRendering="@TickesRendering"></SliderEvents>
<SliderTicks Placement="Placement.Before" LargeStep="7200000" SmallStep="3600000" ShowSmallTicks="true"></SliderTicks>
<SliderTooltip Placement="TooltipPlacement.After" IsVisible="true"></SliderTooltip>
int[] SliderValues = new int[] { 43200000, 54000000 };
public double MinValue()
DateTime datetime = new DateTime(2013, 6, 13, 11, 0, 0);
return datetime.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds;
public double MaxValue()
DateTime datetime = new DateTime(2013, 6, 13, 23, 0, 0);
return datetime.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds;
public void TickesRendering(SliderTickEventArgs args)
double time = args.Value / 3600000;
args.Text = time > 11 ? time + ".00 PM" : time + ".00 AM";
public void TooltipChange(SliderTooltipEventArgs<int[]> args)
double FirstValue = args.Value[0] / 3600000;
double SecondValue = args.Value[1] / 3600000;
if (FirstValue <= 11 && SecondValue < 11)
args.Text = FirstValue + ".00 AM -" + SecondValue + ".00 AM";
else if (FirstValue <= 11 && SecondValue > 11)
args.Text = FirstValue + ".00 AM -" + SecondValue + ".00 PM";
else if (FirstValue > 11 && SecondValue > 11)
args.Text = FirstValue + ".00 PM -" + SecondValue + ".00 PM";