Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

February 25, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • ## 264858 - Issue with “Tabindex attribute not updated, while set by the property HtmlAttribute” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 262382 - Resolved Arabic culture with its native digit numerals.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • ## 263850 - The issue with the invalid cursor that is displayed in panel content or header, which is not in draggable element has been resolved.

Data Manager

Bug Fixes

  • ## 266064, ## F151338 - Search predicates are now generated properly in $filter query in WebApiAdaptor.
  • ## 264772 - Support has been provided to change update request type of ODataAdaptor and ODataV4Adaptor.

New Features

  • Data operations and CRUD operations support has been provided for ExpandoObject and DynamicObject.

Bug Fixes

  • ## 263336 - Issue with “Index property not update to component, while set nullable integer type” has been resolved.
  • ## 264591 - Issue with “console error thrown, while change the dynamically change the DataSource” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 260028 - Support has been provided to filter multiple values using FilterByColumn method.
  • ## 263552 - Editing is now working fine when using RowSelected and RowSelecting events.
  • ## 263583 - Excel filter operation after search operation is now working properly.
  • ## 266849 - Script error is resolved when performing pdf export using PdfExport with PdfExportProperties.
  • ## F150057, ## F151403 - Provided support to change the Edit dialog header dynamically.

New Features

  • ## 259644 - getFilterUIInfo method is added to get the filter UI details.
  • ## 259772 - GridColumnChooserSettings.Operator is added to set column chooser search operator.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 257540 - Maps will now be reset properly when the minZoom value is set.
  • ## 257540 - The performance of the marker clustering is improved.
  • ## 257540 - Marker selection will now be maintained when zooming in the Maps component.
  • ## 263032 - Bing maps will now be rendered properly in the HTTPS protocol with the Maps component.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F151643 - Issue with “selected value not update to input, while click on selectAll” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F150048 - The issue “decimal value not updated, while change the system cultrue” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 259943, ## 260592, ## 264768, ## 264782, ## F151474 - Now, the Tab renders properly when loads with multiple components and it’s “content type” as Init.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F151218, ## 266174- The issue with ‘throwing script error while dispose the component or routing the page’ has been resolved.