Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

April 21, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • ## 268548 - Resolved memory leak issue when using route parameters.
  • ## 268389 - Resolved Non-nullable to nullable typcaset error.
  • ## 269511, ## 270592 - Resolved script error while updating value using {}/[].


Breaking Changes

  • Argument of the event ContextMenuClick was changed from Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.MenuEventArgs to ContextMenuClickEventArgs.


<SfGrid ... ContextMenuItems="@(new List<object>() { "AutoFit", "AutoFitAll"})">
   <GridEvents ContextMenuItemClicked="OnContextMenuClick" ...../>
@code {
    public void OnContextMenuClick(Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.MenuEventArgs args)


<SfGrid ... ContextMenuItems="@(new List<object>() { "AutoFit", "AutoFitAll"})">
   <GridEvents ContextMenuItemClicked="OnContextMenuClick" ..... />

@code {
    public void OnContextMenuClick(ContextMenuClickEventArgs args)
  • Argument of the event ColumnMenuClick was changed from Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.MenuEventArgs to ColumnMenuClickEventArgs.


<SfGrid ... ShowColumnMenu="true">
   <GridEvents ColumnMenuItemClicked="OnColumnMenuClick" ...../>

@code {
    public void OnColumnMenuClick(Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.MenuEventArgs args)


<SfGrid ... ShowColumnMenu="true">
   <GridEvents ColumnMenuItemClicked="OnColumnMenuClick" ..../>
@code {
    public void OnColumnMenuClick(ColumnMenuClickEventArgs args)

Bug Fixes

  • ## 271433 - Column menu filter won’t open after resizing the column while binding resizing events issue is resolved.
  • Memory leak issue in grid templates are resolved.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • ## F152808 - The issue with “In-plae Editor default value is not changed after value updated in ActionSuccess event” has been resolved.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • ## 261296 - The LoadPersistData method is now working properly without any script errors.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 271275 - Fixed the script error thrown in console while preventing the quickpopup.


Bug Fixes

-## 272515, ## F153399 - Resolved the issue with resizing nested splitter.

  • Resolved the alignment issue with expand and collapse icons in the internet explorer browser.